chapter 7 One year later

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Its been a year sins i asked Sam to train me. I can't believe that Sam got me in to the school. He started training me about a week after I asked him to train me. The school is harder then it looks but i'm having fun with it. My classmates a total idiots but what can I do about it i'm in one of the lowest classes at the school has because I'm totally new at all this. I thought I would be alone at the new school. But thank goodness Scotty also came to S.C.Academy for this new school year and Emily was all ready a student so I just hanged out with her a lot so I don't need to be alone. The school opened a new class clad Spacial Recon Team (S.R.T). With is a class just for people who wanna do recon on enemies of the city. It seems like a cool thing to be when you grow up its like being a super spy. I've been taking S.C (Shadow Casting) classes so I can learn to better my self and control my emotions. The S.C classes are classes were you learn to create shadow clones of your self, link your power with you mean weapon and best of all we get more combat training then all of the other classes at the school. sometimes I miss my friends but I guess that's part of growing up you leave people behind and met new once. I haven't seen any of my old friends sins I came to this school. Haven't seen ore tried to talk to Skye after what Sam told me I've put my mind on being the next big hero of Red Rose and I really don't need a girl at the moment. And after the day she told me that her and Alucard are getting engaged I haven't spoken to her sins then. Now that Emily and I spend so much time together you could say she tuck Skye's place. She didn't take Skye's place in my heart yet but she's my aiko. Aiko means little loved one. But all that seems to be the little things in my life at the moment. Don't know what the big things are at the moment but I feel like they have connections with the little things. thru out the last year I learned a lot. One of the things I learned was that we all have a choice and the choice we make is one that we would have to live with. I remember one day me and Scotty were just hanging out and to are lucky day we happened to see Alucard with another girl kissing and being all romantic. I had two choices tell Skye what her fiance was doing ore keep my mouth shut. I picked the second choice cause I know that if I told her she would believe me but she has a big heart she would forgive him ore not but she would give him a second chance tho. But right now I don't have to worry about that just got to pass my classes for this year. My relationship with Emily became less intimated when she started dating a dude from White Rose. I never saw her as one of those long destines relationship type of girl but hey what you gonna do. Starting tomorrow I'm going on my first mission with my new team and its going to be great. I'm going to have a team that ill have to lead. And I'm so ready for it. And the mission is to go to a princess and protect her its a easy mission but I can feel there's going to be more to it then it seems. All in all its been a year.

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