chapter 6 Emotions

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After reading the page from the book I helped Sam clean up the corpse of the demon. Thank goodness that demons don't smell! Well most of them don't. Cleaning up took about an hour which seemed to last forever. After we were done I got the great idea to ask Sam to train me, since I'm a complete amateur when it comes to using my newly discovered powers.

"So you're serious about me training you right?" Said Sam, and he lift an eye-brow up as if he were wondering that I am truly capable of controlling them.

"Yeah, I know my brother is a shadow but if I could be one as well it would put our family name on the map." I said. 

Well because you are serious about this I will help you. And if you really are a Shadow I could get you into my school. Said Sam with a smile on his face. It seemed as if joy had filled up his hearth and eased his mind.

"Wait! You mean to tell me that you can get me into Shadow Core Academy (S.C.A)? Are you serious?" My entire body shivered as burst into excitement. My entire soul at that moment felt as light as a feather and already the thought that no blade can ever pierce me has engraved itself in my mind. 

"Yeah. I can get you in without any problem. I mean you could have asked your girlfriend Emily, she cloud have gotten you in the school much faster then I can." He added. 

"Emily is not my girlfriend! we are just friends!" I yelled.

"Whatever! But are you sure? Cause if you wanna be a Shadow you need to know the legend first." Said Sam, with a serious grin on his face as he picks out a book from the bookshelf.

"Yeah sure! What story?" I asked with wonder.

"Just keep quiet and I will tell you." He said, as if he were irritated or perhaps even wounded. The Room darkened and the atmosphere went dank. The air felt like a blizzard that swirls around yet never leaves. He sat down and began;

 'Around the year AT2019 the first Shadow was born. It was said that he would be a great hero or diminish with the slow decay of time. And during the dark war, he ended the war himself with immense power and sheer will. Many years after the conflict, he began to darken and slowly he vanished. Around 2003 the same year you were born Gray. This great hero had his great fall. Let that be a lesson for you don't think because you have great new powers doesn't mean it wouldn't be taken away from you or that you would never fall. Cause it will happen. And if you should know the hero's fall was when he was 16. Much younger then you. So no over use your powers, or bad things will follow.'


He stopped reading and his face was pale and more serious than ever. It looked scary to be honest.

 "Now I understand why there are so little Shadow people across the world. The others who never make it couldn't deal whit the responsibility. I understand what your saying Sam but.... Hmm what was the hero's fall anyway?" I asked thinking he wouldn't tell me.

 "Gray you should know that your emotions and feelings play a big part in your new powers." Said Sam, hesitating to finish telling me what he really meant to. "Okay, I think you need to know. The hero's fall was murder. He killed his one true love in an act to save her from herself. But he couldn't deal with the pain of losing her so he lost his mind. Some say he killed himself. Others say he just vanished and some say he went to hell to get his loves soul back from 'The Dark One'. But one thing is certain; love was his downfall and that's no joke." said Sam whit his serious face.

 "So you think I'll be okay since I already lost my one true love? Do you think history would repeat itself through my life?" I asked worried and a bit concerned for some weird reason.

 "To be honest i can't really say anything cause who could say that Emily is your one true love?" He added with a laughing smile.

 "No, no, no, Emily and I are just friends! Were close that's it. I was talking about Skye knowing how much I loved her. Its hard to not say she isn't my one true love. You understand me?" I asked calmly.

 "Well sorry i didn't know I just thought, since you hang out a lot,- well never mind just forget it! But hey you should be going, its getting late. So I'll see you later dude. Said Sam.

 "Yeah your right, I'll see you later." I said exiting the house. I get on my motorcycle and left in a hurry.


A man mysteriously teleports into Sam's house.

"What are you doing here? he asked the man."I did what you told me and I hope you're right about all this. Cause he doesn't seem ready for all this."

The unknown man replied with a deep voice; "He's ready. You don't see it yet but Gray is ready for this. Make sure he gets into the school. If he doesn't the future is doomed, and it will repeat itself. Make sure he gets with Emily. Cause I'm sure if he gets back with Skye and he loses her again, he will have a second fall all over again for sure!"

 "Okay fine I'll do it but as long as you don't let anybody find you or know our secret got it?" Sam directed to the man.

 He nodded and said that he understood. The man teleports away without saying a word of farewell

."He always does that what a bummer!"  Said Sam with a disappointed face.


Later that night I couldn't sleep. I felt weak and sick to my core. I look at the clock, its 2:30 am. I tried going back to sleep but it just made me feel worse. I tried thinking happy thoughts to fall back asleep but my mind had other things on it. Skye, Skye, Skye, Skye,  I couldn't stop thinking about her. As much as I act like i don't care or walk around feeling good about myself, at the end of the day I care about her and knowing that deep down I still love her. It makes me doubt myself. "Am I ready for this? Should I give up and just do my best to be a Hunter? I really don't wanna end up falling because of Skye. I wanna be the best Shadow there is. But I can't let my feelings ore my emotions get in the way. But yet my feelings for Skye keeps popping up like pimples, and when they pop up they bring whit them all these mixed emotions with them." I ask and say to myself while laying on my bed. Out of the blue I said something that I promised myself I would never ever say again; "I love her." Feeling a chill running down my back. I said it again just to see if I can feel those chills again  "I love Skye!' And again chills go down my back and this time I felt them a hundred percent. I wished I know what those chills really meant. If there is a sign that I should move on or that the feeling is real. I looked at the clock its 3:00 am. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep after a few I fell asleep.

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