chapter 5 Feel so alive

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Emily got dressed and she was about to leave. But before she left she kissed me and said 'ill miss you. So ill talk to you later ok' how could i have said NO when i was looking right in her light brown eyes. She just looked so beautiful. No matter how hard i tried i couldn't say no to her now. She left.

After a couple of hours i left to go see Sam at his house. I get there. his house looks like one of those horror movie houses but with magic symbols all around it. He always said  he put them there to keep demons from getting in side his house. Even tho i know demos exist i still think his just crazy, but his craziness is what saves his ass a lot in fights so i don't judge him. Sam's a cool guy no wonder why his part of the two most powerful monster killing. world saving, teams in the world. He's part of the Masters 13 and the Lucky 7. Both teams i look up to and i could only dream to be part of them cause i'm not in that league of awesomeness cause it takes hard work and dedication to be part of them and lets be honest i'm lazy as fuck. So i knock on the door, he opens the door all covered in blood. They say curiosity killed the cat so i'm not going to ask if its blood ore blood of what that is but what the hell ill ask anyways. 

'I don't wanna ask but why do you have blood on you? And blood of what ore who you have on you right now?' i asked 

'One. If you don't wanna ask don't ask. Two. Isn't it obvious why i have blood on me, i killed something you idiot. Three. I just killed a category 6 demon that  i summoned just to practice' he said whit ease. 

Demons in ore world are put in categories. Highest category of demons are category 10. So you can bet that the lowest  is a category 1. But for you to summon a category 6 and then kill it. That takes balls and lots of power and just for practice, then your just crazy ore your Sam. 

'Oh ok. So you going to explain this Shadow things to me ore you just gonna show off the hole time' i said 

'Well if you want ill show off but i guess your here to talk about being Shadow so get in the house. The house won't eat you for now' he said with  a smile on his face 

I hate it when he does this. Scares me whit a stupid joke but knowing him its true but whatever. 

So i get inside. In the corner i see the dead body of the demon he killed. Don't know how to describe the ugly beast. We walk in to the library. Sam looks around for a book. The books called The Shadow Curse. and just by the title i know that its a curse to have Shadow powers ore i'm just in it over my head. 

'Hey i know what your thinking. Having the Shadow powers isn't a curse. Its pretty cool once you get the hang of it.'  said Sam

'How do you know what i'm thinking?' i said in shock

'Cause its part of the power you idiot. This will explain it all for you' he said wail handing me the book opened on a page. 

The page said   "The abilities that come with The Shadow Power can change depending on the persons mind and heart. But the most known abilities that have been recorded are: Precognitive dreaming, Enhanced speed, Enhanced strength, Invisibility, Freezing touch, Phasing, Adoptive Muscle Memory. These 7 abilities have been known to change if you have the heart and the mind to handle something else it is possible. The only way you could know that you have two of the abilities ore if your aura changes to the color Grey. You can bet you have the Shadow power in you." 

After i was done reading that i kinda changed my mind. Maybe i do want to be a "Shadow" that seems to have kinda the same abilities of a ghost. And the idea of me being around new people seem great right now ill take my mind off Skye and Emily for a couple of days. 

Now that i know all this i don't think this power is a curse its a blessing. And i learned something now. Some time you got to loose it all just to feel so alive.

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