taking a deep breath the boy had calm down just a little bit and turned off the light getting ready to leave the bathroom. he didn't care that blood was literally dripping down his arms and thighs he just didn't want to clean them or wrap them he wanted to feel relief but at that moment he wasn't if anything he felt worse.

as he walked out his room, gaze fixed on the floor watching as blood fell to the floor he didn't notice Mike sitting there on his bed until the boy called his name.

"Derek? w-what happened" Derek froze in his spot as he looked at Mike who still sat on the bed to afraid to move.

Not really knowing how to respond he just shrugs his shoulder and leans against his wall. In his head he was screaming for help wanting Mike to hold him but he couldn't physically speak.

"B-bubba why are you doing this...this isn't  you. Your always laughing and smiling what's going on." Mike had stood up and walked toward the bleeding boy and noticed the half healed wounded scars on his arms, thighs, stomach, and even his chest.

"What did you just say?" Derek asked speaking for the first time since he had locked himself away.

"I said your not usually-" he was cut off by Derek groaning and pulling at his hair aggressively. Mike was so terrified of what he was witnessing, he's never been in this situation before and sure as hell didn't want to ever experience what Derek was going through.

"mike does it....ever occur to you that maybe...just FUCKING MAYBE IM FUCKED UP!" the sick boy yells violently banging his forehead against the side of his head.

"n-no i never thought of that...im sorry that you have to go through that. Bubba you can always vent to me though im always here to talk." Derek scoffs and laughs sliding down the wall until he hit the floor.

"That wont do me any good...it wont do shit because you wont understand what i feel its unexplainable. Even if you were going through what i go through you still wouldn't understand because everyone deals with depression differently, everyone copes differently, so what i have to say wont do me any justice." Derek finally felt that familiar lump in his throat telling him he's going to cry and he didn't try to hold back instead he let the tears go.

Mike watched the broken boy cry silently, there was no emotion on his face, instead it was just derek staring off into space with no sign of life in his eyes.

but from Derek's point of view he was screaming. He sat alone in a dark room begging to be set free from this hell hole called depression. In his eyes he saw him trying to escape only for him to be pulled back by multiple hands.

"Derek...derek...bubba" mike calls out to him and received no answer.  He squats down and pull his best friend up by hs arms and sit him down on his bed. Finally derek snaps out of his trance.

Gasping as if he'd just come from underwater. he stands back up waling back and forth quietly and still scaring the hell out of Mike.

"Please Derek tell me what's happening your scaring me" he says tears welling up in his eyes as well. Derek stops and looks at him and instantly felt horrible.

There goes another person i hurt

He frowns and walks back to mike caressing the boys face but Mike flinches as Derek blood drops on his white jeans. For some reason that single drop felt so heavy on Mikes leg almost as if he caught just a peek at Derek's pain.

"Please tell me." Mike begs again. This time Derek closes his eyes and drops his hand standing back. His face finally showed emotion but it was just pain... excruciating pain. Mike watched as derek broke down in front of him.

MEREK +Kobe & Vallyk Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin