Chapter 10

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Paul's P.O.V.

Kaihlan was really frustrated. She was pregnant and we had to take care of Essence.

"Paul, make dinner,"Kaihlan demanded.

I sighed.

"Hon, its 6. We eat at 8."

She rolled her eyes. I went to the kitchen and went through the refrigerator. Kaihlan walked in.

"It's a mess in here,"She snapped.

"Kay, love, I'll clean up after dinner."



"You're so lazy!"She yelled at me.

"I'm trying to make dinner!"

"Clean up!"

Essence started to cry. I picked her up. Kaihlan went to our room and walked out with clothes. She left us. I finished making dinner and we ate. I cleaned up and gave Essence a bath. I  tucked her in and went to bed myself.
My P.O.V. Two Weeks Later

At home we relaxed and opened our gifts. Kaihlan had left Paul and needed a place to stay. Kaihlan knocked on our door. I opened the door and seen her baby bump. She was 8 months pregnant with a boy. She walked in.

"Mackenzie, thanks,"She smiled.

"You're welcome."

She sat down next to John.

"Where'd you two go for your honeymoon?"She asked.

"The Bahamas,"John nodded.

"I'm gonna head up to bed,"I pecked John's lips.

"Night, my love,"John said.

I showered and put a nightgown on. I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to John groaning.

"What's wrong?"I asked him softly.

"I went to the pub last night."

I went to the bathroom and brought him some water and medicine. He sat up and took the medicine. I kissed his forhead and walked downstairs. Kaihlan was in the guest bedroom.

"My water broke,"She said.

I helped her and got her in the car. John came and drove. At the hospital they got her in a room and called Paul. We took Essence home with us.

I was 2 months pregnant. John and I took in Kaihlan, Jesse, and Essence. John was helping Kaihlan look for a house. At home I watched the baby and Essence. I was showing and was two months away from finding out what the baby was. John was exited and George was scared. I was nervous because I'm bringing a life into the world. I'm having the love of my life's child.

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