Chapter 9

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1971-Six Months Later

John and I have been dating for six months now. We are filming the Imagine video. I let my hair down, I put a long white dress on, white heels, a golden headband, and put a little makeup.

"Imagine all the people living life in peace, yoo hoo ooh,"We sang.

After we finished we went back home. Today was put six month anniversary so we were going out for dinner. We changed into better clothing. I wore a short black dress, black heels, my hair curled, pink lipstick, and black eyeshadow. He wore a white button up shirt, black slacks, and a black tie. He grabbed my hand and we got in our car. He drove to the restaraunt. We walked inside and sat down. We ordered and started eating. He smiled at me.


"I'm just admiring my beautiful girl,"He said.

I smiled and sipped my water. After dessert we went back home. He picked me up and ran inside. He locked the door and ran upstairs. He threw me onto the bed and took our shoes off. He pressed his lips to mine.


"I know, love."

He smiled and we went to shower. We went to bed afterwards. The next day I woke up in our empty bed. I grabbed my robe and walked downstairs. John was at the door. Kaihlan was there holding Essence.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Morning, love,"John said.

Kaihlan cocked an eyebrow. She was quite jealous of me. She handed Essence to John and left.

"Maybe we can get Jules,"I smiled.

John let Essence down and she ran off. He sighed and went to call Cynthia.

"She's on her way with Julian,"He nodded.

I smiled and sat down. John sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Why are ya always so cold?"

I shrugged my shoulders and he put his other hand on top of my hand. Essence ran in and handed John a toy. It was a doll. John took it and looked at it. John reached into his pocket and handed me a box with a piece of paper. I read the note:
Dear Mackenzie,
Sorry I didn't so this last night. I wanted it to be private. I just wanted you to know I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry about every bad thing I've done to hurt you. I want you to stand by me and be mine, forever. I promise to never let anyone or anything hurt you. Love, I can't stand being away from you, I can't love without you. Will you please marry me?

My eyes started to fill with tears. I nodded and he put the ring on my finger. He pressed his lips to mine and wiped my tears away.

"I love ya."

"I love you too,"I smiled.

He kissed my lips once more and grabbed Essence. She giggled and he tickled her.
A Year Later

Kaihlan finally came back to get Essence. Today I was getting married. I put on my white strapless dress, silver heels, a red rose in my hair, red lipstick, black eyeshadow, and my bouquet of red roses. I walked out and seen George standing there. He was walking me down the aisle. He smiled and grabbed my arm. We got ready and waited. We started walking slowly. I looked at John. He was smiling. I let go of George and walked up to John. We said our vows and kissed. At our reception we sipped red wine and ate.

"Ya look gorgeous,"He said as we danced.

"You look handsome."

He leaned in and kissed my lips. I smiled and we went to sit down. George took my hand and we danced. "I can't believe my little sister just walked down the aisle,"George smiled.

"Me neither."

He pecked my cheek arm we sat down. John was dancing with Essence. I stood up and John looked up at me. Essence smiled and ran off.

"What's wrong, my love?"

"Nothing,"I smiled.

He smiled back and took my hand. We cut the cake and shoved the cake in each other's faces. After the reception he picked me up and ran to the limo. We got in and changed into regular clothes. We went to the airport and headed to our plane. Once we got there we went straight to our hotel and put our suitcases down.

"I'm exhausted,"John yawned.

We laid down and fell asleep. I woke up to John kissing my cheek.

"Afternoon, my love."

I rubbed my eyes and put my glasses on. I sat up and he kissed my lips. We got up and went to explore. I smiled as we walked hand in hand. He pointed at the animals and kissed my lips.

"I love you."

"I love ya too, my love."

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