Chapter 7

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My P.O.V.

I sat on my bed, alone. Ringo broke up with me and took the ring. I refused to let anyone in, not even John. I couldn't stop thinking about Ringo. I needed him, I couldn't live without him.

"Mackenzie, open the door,"I heard John say.

"Ya don't need him,"Paul said.

That only me cry even more. I covered my face with a pillow.

"C'mon,"John knocked on the door.

I wiped my face and opened the door.

"What?"I asked.

They walked in and sat on my bed. I sat down and wiped my face again. Paul shook his head=

"Yer wasting yer energy crying over that bloody idiot,"John snapped.

"What do you care?"I said.

"Mackenzie-"Paul started to say before John shook his head.

They left. George walked in.

"Are ya okay?'He sat next to me.

I shook my head and let him wrap his arms around me.

"I know exactly what it feels like to lose someone ya love,"He whispered.

I started crying again. I heard John start to yell. Ringo started yelling back. I heard a soft woman's voice.  George walked out and closed the door. Someone else walked in. I looked up and seen Ringo. He grabbed his clothes and left me. I wiped my tears and got up. I walked out and grabbed my car keys.

"Mackenzie, stop,"John grabbed my arm.

I pulled away and walked out the door. I got in my car and drove. I stopped at some diner. I signed a couple autographs and went back home.

"Mackenzie, stop,"George snapped.

"Stop telling me what to do! That's all you do! I just lost the man I love! What did you lose? Nothing!"I yelled.

He had a hurt look on his face.  I walked to my room but was followed by John. He sat next to me.

"I know how ya feel."

I rolled my eyes. He sighed and took my hand. I looked at him and he leaned in. He placed his lips on my cheek and left me alone. I laid down and cried myself to sleep. I woke up with a sore throat. I lost my voice. It was 8 a.m. I walked out.

"G'morning,"Paul said.

He handed me a cup of tea. I sipped it.

"Throat sore?"

I nodded. I tried to sing but my voice was raspy and sounded horrible. He shook his head. I sipped the tea and George walked out. The tea helped a little. I couldn't talk so I stayed quiet.
Paul's P.O.V.

I looked at Mackenzie. She was miserable. She was really in love with Ringo. I had always liked her.  Her eyes weren't the bright ones they usually were. They were darker. She was a lot paler and she was pretty much depressed. I looked at her. She faked a smile. I sighed and poured Mackenzie more tea. George's hand was on his chin. He looked frustrated.

"Can I have a pen and some paper?"Mackenzie asked softly.

I handed it to her and she started writing. She handed George the book.

"It's called something?"He asked

She nodded,"You're singing it."
1968-John and Kaihlan's wedding reception My P.O.V.

I watched as John and Kaihlan danced. I was still single. After Ringo nothing was the same. John grabbed my hand to dance.

"Be happier,"He whispered.

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