Chapter 5

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The next day at our concert Ringo didn't get any hate. It made him feel so much better. I laid on my bed and read my book. Ringo walked in and laid next to me on his stomach.

"Ello, love,"He smiled.

"Hi,"I pecked his nose.

I continued reading. He read along. I closed it and turned to my back. He did and wrapped me in his arms. I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Mm,"He said as I pulled away.

"Enjoying yerselves?"George said with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ringo looked up.

"George,"I said calmly.

"Well?"He asked.

"Yes. Now go,"I pointed.

He left the room. Ringo sat up and grabbed my hand.

"What?"I asked.

I stood up and followed him. We walked outside.

"Look,"He smiled, squeezing my hand.

I looked up.

"A shooting star,"I smiled and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We went back inside and headed to bed. I fell asleep wrapped in his arms with my head on his chest.
1 Year Later

Ringo had been at the bar/pub all night with the boys. He was always out. Today I needed him. I had no one else to spend my birthday with. I waited and waited until at midnight I went to bed. When I woke up Ringo was groaning and complaining of a headache. I turned to face him.

"G'morning love,"He covered his eyes.

"Morning,"I faked a smile.

"How was yer night?"



"You weren't there. Yesterday was my birthday,"I snapped and grabbed my robe.

"Mackenzie-"He grabbed my hand.

"I'm sick of you not being home,"I said.

"I'm sorry. I guess I forgot-"

"Oh so now you forget."

He pressed his lips to mine.

"Stop,"I pushed him away.

"Mackenzie, stop,"He grabbed me.

I started to sob.

"Mackenzie, please don't leave me. I need ya, I love ya,"He whispered.

I fell to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest. I shook my head when he tried to wrap me in his arms. He started to cry too. There was a knock on our bedroom door. George walked in.

"What's wrong?"He asked.

I walked to the living room. Paul was there sipping a cup of tea. Tears continued to roll down my cheeks. I made myself a glass of water.

"Uh are ya okay?"Paul asked.

"No,"I said.

Ringo walked out, his face was still red. I wiped my tears away.

"So what now?"He asked.

"We're over,"I said looking down.

"Mackenzie, yer overreacting,"He said.

"No, you forgot my birthday, you came back drunk."

George was standing there.

"You all forgot it,"I snapped.

I got dressed, braided my hair, and grabbed my car keys.

"No, yer not leaving,"Ringo grabbed my hand.

I pulled away and got in my car. I drove to John and Kaihlan's house. John stayed home. I knocked on the door.

"Ello,"John let me in.

"Can I stay with you guys for a while. I need time. I broke up with Ringo-"

"Over yer birthday?"He asked.

"Yeah,"I nodded.

"Well, of course,"Kaihlan smiled.

I sat down.

"Sorry we weren't able ta get yer present until late so here,"John handed me a box.

I opened it and seen a diamond necklace.

"Thank you,"I smiled.

They nodded. I put it on and looked at my hand. My engagement ring. Ringo proposed after about 6 months of dating.

"Are ya gonna keep it?"John asked.

"No,"I shook my head.

I took it off and put it in my purse. Kaihlan sighed.

"Well, uh, I proposed yesterday,"John smiled.

"About time,"I said.

"I know,"Kaihlan nodded.

"I'm gonna go pick up some clothes,"I grabbed my car keys.

"Okay,"John answered.

At home Ringo looked up.  I walked to our room and packed some clothes.

"Mackenzie, where's yer ring?"He asked.

"Here,"I dug into my purse and threw it at him.

I seen his eyes start to fill with tears, mine did too. He wrapped his arms around me. I started to sob.

"No, stop,"I pushed him away.

"Mackenzie, please,"He looked at me with tears rolling down his cheeks.

My voice started to crack as I spoke,"Ringo, I can't. I can't. I love you so much but all you do smoke and drink."

He fell to the floor. I tried, I tried to stay mad. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I wiped my tears and kissed his away. He wrapped me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry,"He whispered.

I nodded and let him put the ring back on. I closed my eyes and drifted off with my head in his lap. His back was against the wall. I woke up a few hours later sprawled out on Ringo's body. My head was on his chest, my legs were on top of his, and his arms were around me. I moved off of him but he pulled me back.

"No, stay,"He whispered.

I laid back down and he stroked my back.

"I love ya."

"I love you too."

George Harrison Is My Big BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now