When you break a bone

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Ok so I know none of you care but I just made homemade garlic bread and its fucking delicious

Also what would you rather read first since it depends on when my next chapter would be up:
Julian NSFW (Would take longer)
Satrinava children as your partners (quicker)


- good luck moving for the next few months
- a lot more cuddles while you heal and they try to take over as much work as possible so that you don't have to strain yourself
- Faust can and will lay on you no matter what you better deal with it
- They honestly just want you to be safe
- Pumpkin bread every day


- this man forgot he as a doctor for a few minutes
- once he was back he used all his medical knowledge to help you
- you would take the least amount of time to heal since he actually is a pretty good doctor
- you get extra affection from him
- he will get you Mazelinka's soup


- Worried but hides it well
- has you rest as much as possible
- she takes at least 1 day off per week to stay with you
- she has the best doctors to help you
- a lot of soft kisses actually


- you can't escape this woman, she will cuddle you and you can't escape it
- Pepi uses you as a pillow now and you better not get up
- Portia takes more time off to check on you and has Mazelinka watch over you when she can't
- she will tell you stories and palace gossip
- cuddles, lots and lots of cuddles


- congrats you lost walking privileges
- no matter what you broke he would carry you everywhere and you best not complain
- Inanna is always beside you now
- He gets help from Asra
- actually would go into town for you


- can this man be any more dramatic?
- he would carry you around more since he likes to and complaining to him won't stop him
- cue 2 very concerned doggos
- Mercedes and Melchior will be following you around just to make sure you are ok
- the best doctors to help the healing process, he might execute them if they hurt you even the slightest bit please don't let him

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