M6 reacting to you being paranoid

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So wattpad decided to be a pain in my ass and not show me comments so I don't know which one you lot chose for the chapter vote on the last chapter so I'm gonna do this one because I saw this comment and I thought I could combine the 2 ideas together. This screenshot was awhile ago which made me realize how long it's been since I've given you all a chapter.

Sorry this chapter took so long, I'm getting to the end of this school year come May and my school is deciding to just spam everything at us, but I started spring break last Friday so now it was just a matter of finishing this

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Sorry this chapter took so long, I'm getting to the end of this school year come May and my school is deciding to just spam everything at us, but I started spring break last Friday so now it was just a matter of finishing this. I'm not the best at writing comfort or anything so hopefully this is good.

Chapter vote:

Parents reacting to you dating their child


M6 reacting to you meeting their parent


He noticed when you were walking past him, he saw how much you were shaking and how you kept checking around you. At first he was just thinking you got spooked by something but then he noticed your paranoid behavior. The moment he noticed he went ahead and closed the shop up for awhile or maybe even the rest of the day. He had Faust check around to make sure nothing was left unchecked as he went and checked on you. Asra, the fluffy cotton ball you have as your partner is shockingly attentive for how much he daydreams, he helped you calm down more and just stuck around you for the rest of the day and night.


Julian, this therapy needing boy knows how it is head on, he can understand so when he sees you panicky and paranoid he first tries to see what could be causing it. If he could physically see it he would remove you from the situation first. If he couldn't see it he would slowly approach and try to get you to focus on him and only him while he calmed you down. Julian knows how to make a pretty good calming tea, granted all he really knows how to make is Nevivon foods, coffee, and calming tea, other than that he is a menace in the kitchen. He took you to his clinic to help make sure that you are in a familiar space and just sat with you. He offered to do some performances for you and even cracked a few jokes until you calmed down more.


She is on your ass so quick- if you thought you could slip past this lovely countess without alerting her to your shakiness then you would be incorrect. Nadia is the type of person to subtly help you when she can't directly help you. If Nadia was busy then she'll go and have your favorite foods sent to you, your favorite items brought to you, even sometimes a few gifts sent in with the rest. But if she isn't busy you bet your ass she is going to be personally taking care of you. She won't directly go "you're paranoid and shaking what is happening" but also won't not bring it up, she would probably lightly bring it up to help along but overall let you tell her what's freaking you out on her own. When she does learn about it she tries her best to make sure to help the feeling go away and if it is something that can physically be removed she would ask a servant to remove it.


This precious boy doesn't know how to help but it's obvious he is at least trying to. He experiences paranoia yes but he doesn't know how to handle yours since yours might be different from his. He would make you some soup or some tea to help calm you down. If you are in public he just asks if he can touch you, when you give the ok Muriel just picks you up and takes you to the hut. He sets you on the bed and then just thunks Inanna on your lap like a living weighted blanket. Inanna just enjoys the cuddles and would do her absolute best to make you feel better. You better praise her for her efforts. He just kinda does small stuff to help distract you until your panic and paranoia calms down, makes sure you know where you are, makes sure you stay comfortable, keeps you fed and hydrated.


She knew what was happening the moment she saw you checking every entry point into the hut, like checking the windows, making sure the doors are secure. Checking on her and Pepi, and just seeing behaviors from you that you don't usually show unless you're panicked and paranoid. When you start shaking she steps in and just kinda convinces you to sit with her. Portia, and we all know this, is just a good cuddle partner, she keeps you warm, cracks jokes, and will play with your hair. She just has a natural way to get you to calm down without noticing it. Like we are talking by the time you notice you calmed down you already have been for 30 minutes. Whatever you find the most comfort in she already had near you and has done for you in an instant.


I have a feeling this man will see you panicked and paranoid and act on it instantly but just have no actual idea how to handle it properly. He tries though, Lucio would have the dogs follow you around just kinda as extra security. He would try to help as best as he can and would ask you how he should help and then would do it. He mainly would just kinda be clueless on how to handle it but once he does it once, he knows how to do it again. So if you teach him once he actually is pretty good at helping you. Lucio just kinda does his best when it comes to you, you make the best in him show up so naturally he tries his best for his soulmate. He would be the type of person to have you sit there and just have the dogs sit near you as he does anything you want. Want him to give you a shoulder massage and he already is doing it, want him to get you blankets he already has 10 in his arms, want him to cuddle you, he already is pulling you to him. If only he could run a country that well.

Hope this was good, I hope you all are having a good night/day and hopefully it won't take me a bunch of months to get a single chapter out.

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