When Mc needs glasses

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Sorry for a late chapter! I'm working on late work for school and also a Lucio NSFW chapter, so here is this!

I legit spent around 30 minutes researching when glasses were made and what time period The Arcana takes place in and turns out on the game's tumblr the developers stated that it doesn't have a exact time period since they take ideas from multiple different time periods! So lets say Glasses were existing when the game happens!


- actually buys you glasses whenever you need them
- often finds Faust trying to steal your glasses and wear them
- scolds you when you don't have them on since "your eyesight will get worse Mc!"
- when (if) he is mad at you or just upset at you for some reason he will take your glasses as punishment
- "can't fucking argue with me if you can't see me!"


- does eye tests on you often to track your eyesight
- has legit a journal about this type of thing
- Always compliments you when you wear your glasses
- he will get you good quality glasses so that you can see as well as you can
- makes jokes about your lack of eyesight when you take your glasses off but stops if you ask him to


- gets you the most fancy and best quality glasses she can find
- somehow she knows when you need to get your eyes checked or when you need new glasses
- honestly acts like a mom when you don't have your glasses on
- is the only one to think to get you a glasses case
- gets you multiple glasses so you have backups


- you and her crack jokes about your lack of vision often
- often drags Julian to do eye checks on you
- will jokingly take your glasses and stand just out of your vision capacity
- "how many fingers am I holding up?"
- "how blurry am I?"


- this absolute baby tries to make sure you have the best glasses you can get
- he makes sure that if your glasses get broken that you don't get hurt or bump into stuff
- has Inanna help you around if he can't be there
- he tries to get you eye checks often but sometimes can't
- he tries ok? He is trying his best Damn it!


- mocks you for it often
- "Careful Mc we don't need you getting even more blind than you already are"
- takes your glasses as punishment when you don't give him attention
- gets you the best of the best for glasses
- "if your going to be fucking blind at least be stylish and fancy while you do it"

Okay fun fact about me is that I have glasses and is blind as fuck so thats where the inspiration for this chapter comes from!

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