"Bring them here," Saji's mother said.

Fox and Jairo carried Riyo and Mairin over to the mats and set them down. Saji waved them back a few paces. "What's your mother's name?" Fox asked.

"Miejuel. How long have they been like this?"

"They were poisoned late last night. Tilieu believes Riyo was given a second dose of the poison."

"Which one is she?"

"She has the light purple hair. Mairin has the dark blue," Fox explained.

"All right." Saji raised a hand to her chin. "We'll take care of it from here. There is a hut behind ours where you can go rest if you like. If you see Tilieu, tell her to come. We need to know exactly what treatments she has used so far."

"I thought the plant roots were the cure?" Fox replied.

"It is, but the shadowbane has been in their system a while. It will take some time for the roots to work, if they even do. I need to know what has helped keep them calm."

She began to usher them out of the hut. "Wait, what exactly does this poison do? We only know the external symptoms," Fox protested.

Saji sighed and shook her head. "Shadowbane also causes a distortion in vision and hearing. It amplifies everything. In large doses, it induces hallucinations as well. Did they have hallucinations?"

"Mairin acted like something was crawling on her. I don't know about Riyo."

"She had a large dose then. Go. We will have to work fast." Saji pushed them out before he could protest again. The thick curtain door fell in place behind them.

Fox removed his helmet and pinched the bridge of his nose. Jairo mimicked him, tucking his helmet under an arm. "I guess we might as well go wait," Fox sighed. They ducked around the back of the hut and found the second one Saji had mentioned. It was empty, save for a few sleeping mats and seats. Fox sat down and dropped his head in his hands, resigned to the wait.

Junalli: 20 BBY
Zunja Territory
Riyo Chuchi

She continued to flicker in and out of consciousness as she had for the past several hours. Riyo had no idea where she was when she woke again. All she knew was that rain pounded outside and two unfamiliar women were in the room with her.

Riyo turned her head and spied Mairin beside her. She was wearing a plain two piece white outfit. White symbols had been painted all over her body. Riyo managed to glance at her arms. The same paint covered her, and her outfit had been changed.

She took in the gray pallor of their skin and Mairin's purple stained lips. A gust of cold air filled the hut, suddenly. "Fox said you wanted me?" It was the healer from the Jedi Temple. "I had to speak with my brother first, but I can help now."

"Welcome home, Tilieu." A middle aged woman hugged the healer. A younger woman waited behind them. She met Riyo's gaze a second later.

"Mother, she's awake." The woman darted over to Riyo. Tilieu and the second stranger joined her.

"Go start pressing the roots, Saji," her mother said.

Saji disappeared from sight after a moment. Tilieu knelt down beside Riyo. She started coughing and shudders wracked her body. Again, the metallic taste of the purple liquid filled her mouth.

She caught the nervous looks exchanged between Tilieu and the other woman. "How many doses did they have?" The stranger asked.

"I believe Riyo had two and Mairin only had one, but it was a large one."

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