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Song for this chapter: Go Somewhere by KREAM & RANI

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Song for this chapter: Go Somewhere by KREAM & RANI


"I think that's the last of it" Dad walks down, putting Rita's duffel bag by the front door. 

Rita and I look up from our spot on the couch in the living room.

"Oh yeah" Rita smiles, "Thanks Dad"

I chuckle under my breath. Dad offered to help get all our stuff downstairs and give us a rest, and you can tell Rita fully embraced it. Her socked feet hang off the side of the couch and her head is leaning on my shoulder. We've been watching the top 10 cutest animal clips.

"What are you two up to?" he walks over and sits in his chair.

"Well I actually have to be somewhere" Rita sits up and slips her feet into her boots 

"As long as you're back before sunset, don't wanna miss your flight now" 

"Yeah yeah, ill be here" she stands up and speed walks to the door, calling out a quick bye before it slams behind her.

Dad and I look at each other and I giggle. When the sound of Rita's car is gone, we both sit in awkward silence.

Just as I think about leaving, I remember something.

"Uhh, Dad?"

"Yeah?" He looks up from the newspaper he's picked up to read, his blue eyes twinkle slightly in the light. 

"Did you leave a box of Great- Grandma Belle's stuff in my room?"

"I wouldn't know." He puts down the paper "Where did you find it exactly?"

"In the back of my closet, it was put in the corner real tight"

"Well this was her place before she passed on, so maybe it's leftover from the clearing" He rubs his chin "Can you bring it down?"

"Yeah, I'll get it now" 

I run up the stairs to my room, Tiger following me while meowing. God, I'm gonna miss her when we leave. Walking into my now practically empty room, I go to the closet and pull out the Oakwood box. I speed walk downstairs with Tiger at my heels, still meowing constantly.

"Tiger, i know you'll miss me, but you complaining won't make me take you along"

She stops and sits on the stairs, watching me with an almost sad look. I roll my eyes at her and smile.

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