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Song for this chapter: A sky full of Stars by Coldplay

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Song for this chapter: A sky full of Stars by Coldplay


"A whole bunch of butt-naked she wolf's running round in this place" I look up from my book as Taylor walks in fully dressed, her hair in a towel twist. "It's absolutely mental"

"I guess modesty isn't much of a thing with pack wolves" I watch as she pulls her wet hair out of the towel head dressing and picks up a blow dryer

"Not where I come from," she says looking back at me "Must be an American thing"

"Probably" I shrug and walk towards the closet "We only have 5 minutes until we have to leave for the Feast"

"Oh don't rush me" she picks up a brush and runs it through her blonde locks "Beauty takes time"

"You're already beautiful" I pull on my moms grey cardigan over my black dress (The only one I bothered to pack)

"Look who's talking" Taylor looks back at me, a curling wand it hand "You've been catching stares since you stepped out that car"

I chuckle "Yeah right"

"Legit, you're peng peng" she points the wand at me "Also did I mention you have the most amazing eye colour?"

She turns to look back at the mirror while I reach for my shoes.

"They're so blue I actually thought they were contacts" Once she's done curling her hair, she pulls out her makeup bag

"It's a rare family trait apparently," I say nervously. And I thought being a lone wolf would be bad enough, now everyone will question my unusual looks too, great.

Stepping into my drug store ballet pumps, I look in the full-length mirror behind the door. My hair is down my back in a pretty decent plait if I say so myself. Running my hands on the flair out black skirt of the dress, I sigh sadly. Mom would love to see me in a dress like this. 

I tug the ends of the dress over my knees just as Taylor walks over in her perfect white floral sundress. Not a strand out of place and her minimal makeup flawlessly done, she looks ready for the runaway.

We'd become fast friends over the past few hours. With loads in common, it's hard not to. And I'm happy that I got to be her roommate. 

But standing in the mirror, We looked like two girls you'd never peg as friends.

"You know what" She opens the door "We should go before I decide to change again"

I laugh, shaking my head slightly as we walk into the empty corridor. 

"Looks like everyone's already on their way to the dining hall," I say as we walk towards the elevator

"Oh bleeding hell" Taylor pouts "How are we supposed to know the way there"

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