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The silence in the clearing as me and my mate stare at each other is ringing in my eyes. I look away from his gaze and realize I've been holding my breathe for a while.

"Uh..." I break the silence and he shakes his head, chuckling. His laugh sends tingles down my spine.

"Sorry, I'm just floored, you're beautiful-" He facepalms "I mean, I should introduce myself first"

He leans over, reaching his hand over to my head, I lean back confused at the sudden intrution.

"You just have-" he continues moving till he gets his hand on the top of my head, pulling a leaf from the tangles "Got it"

"Thanks" i run my fingers through my hair, making sure there's nothing else sticking in it.

"I'm Blake" he reaches out a hand for me to shake

"Tessa" i take his hand, feeling horribly awkward. His hands are soft and he gently shakes mine, as if he's afraid he'd hurt me. So I let go and take a small step back.

"We should probably get back" He says "We did kind of make a scene"

Suddenly, everything comes crashing back and I realize just what I've actually done. Blake notices the change and concern flashes in his eyes.

"Hey whats wrong" he takes my hand in his and I notice how its shaking uncontrollably.

"I shifted"

"Yeah..." he says not understanding

"I shifted..." I say again, as if saying the words would make the past disappear

"Tessa, I don't understand" his forehead ripples in confusion "What do you mean you shifted, for the first time-"

"I shifted in front of everyone!" I cut him off as the panic sets in. Pushing Blake away I pace back and forth.

"No, no, no, no..."

"Tessa, its not a problem, trust me" He walks over and puts his hands on my shoulders, halting my pacing "I'm sure nobody really saw anything, you were practically shifting while running"

"I don't care about that!" I shove his hands off and he looks at me in shock.

"I can't go back there" I start walking the opposite direction of camp when Blake grabs my wrist pulling me back "Hey!"

"You can't leave!" His face is filled with panic "What about me?'

I blink in confusion, before I realise what i just wanted to do. Could i leave Rita behind? And Taylor? And now Blake, though we just met, i feel this instant need to be by his side all the time, and i wont lie, i hate it.

"Ok..." Blake says sowly, noticing I've calmed down slightly "Now tell me whats so wrong about you shifting"

I take a deep breath, turning away from him, my hands rub my arms nervously

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