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Music for this chapter: Lost by Jonathan Roy

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Music for this chapter: Lost by Jonathan Roy


A  week in at Moon Valley Pack and it still doesn't feel right. I don't see Rita much these days, she's either training or hanging out with Rossel and the other friends she's made. I don't blame her though, I did reject her offers to hang out with them a fair few times.

Taylor and I talk most of the time, but she has other things to do too. So it's not always just us. The file room in the basement though has become my new home.

At first, I thought it would be a really heinous task, but I'm really enjoying it now. The quiet I have is honestly everything with the chaos of being in a pack. And it's an easy excuse to use when I'm invited to take runs with other pack members in our wolf forms.

I haven't shifted since I went out of pack land. And as far as rumours of a strange wolf, I haven't heard anything since Oliver talked to Luna Emery. Which means I'm in the clear for a while.

But, there's still this emptiness inside me that keeps gnawing at me. Like somethings missing here. And the annoying dreams that come with it too. I wish I could leave, be on my own for a while, but I made a promise, and a month isn't too long.

Ice also has been acting weird too, ever since we went out, she is more active in me than usual. I've tried to get her to stay back to avoid any of my short bursts of anger making me shift, but she's determined. It's almost as if she wants me to go looking for something. 

To top it all off, we haven't heard from home at all. Just an empty text telling us they're fine. Just missing home and feeling out of place here throws me into this whole turbine of emotions and I feel so lost. I just have to keep hoping for the best, and that something here or out there is my home.


Unknown POV

The smell of pine trees filled the air of the clearing in the forest. A camp was set up haphazardly in the centre. Men walk around casually as the sunset lays in the background. You'd think a bunch of teenage to middle-aged looking guys would be a lot rowdier, but despite the look of the camp, everything is organized. Pretty obvious they're werewolves, to be honest.

A large fire pit glows in the middle of it all, with what seems to be a large boar pitted over it.

The guys sitting on tree stumps around the log talk in low voices, but their mirth and joy is obvious from the joy in their voices.

One man in particular sits near the darker side of the glowing fire. His grey eyes glow slightly from the reflection of the light. With his long hair falling on the sides of his face.
His solitude is respected by the other members of the camp. Could be because he radiates leader energy and definitely not the kind of guy you'd wanna mess with.

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