Is she?

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Hi hi! welcome to this book!

Thanks for choosing this book from all the other wattpad storys.

I hope you like it, if you don't just go and read another book.

I have written everything first in a paperbook in Dutch and typed it then in English so i'm sorry if there is a spelling error. This is one of my first books that i've ever written so it can sometimes be a little cliche but i hope you like it.

It could be that on the beginning from a chapter stands: Re-edited. That's just for my mind to know that i have edited that chapter from the spelling errors and stuff.

I'll already mention some things from this book;

1. There is no smut in this book

2. Larry is real in this book

3. most of the dates are correct (25may 2018 > it's written about that day.)

Okat that's it!!

I hope you enjoy!


Niall has just played the song "fools gold" and starts talking.

"Welcome everyone to this flicker tour, I just have a little storytime. I was walking to the supermarket this afternoon and a girl came up to me and asked for a picture, by the way she was with another girl and a boy I think they are friends. But she asked for a picture and then she walked away again, I only wanted to ask her if she would also come to this concert but she was soon gone again. Oh yes, I have to tell you her friends said something in another language, no idea what language, but the girl was at least fluent in English. So I wanted to ask her something, but I"m just going to ask here now."

I say to Jill "heyy I think he means us!" Niall continues talking

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