Part Thirteen

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July 6, 2018

"Why do you think it's so scary? It's just my mother and Noah."

"I know, but still, it's your family."

It is the day that everyone is picked up from the camp. The two of Lucas and I are left, I will be picked up last on purpose so that no one knows that I am a Horan. No one else has found out about it this camp. Mom and Noah should come and pick me up, Dad wanted to come too, but unfortunately he has to work, Mom could take time off and Noah had deliberately not yet gone on a trip.

We lie together in the empty living room watching a movie while the staff members are cleaning the whole house. We have done a lot in the past few days, a lot of surfing, longboarding, football and much more. I was unable to do some things because of my knee, but otherwise everything went well.

Not much later a black car turns in the driveway of the house, there they will be I think. And indeed there are Mom and Noah getting out of the car. I get up and wait for Lucas to be ready to go and then go see Mom and Noah.

"Heyy Syd!" Mom says immediately when she steps inside.

"Sydneyyyyy" Noah shouts, as if I'm not there yet.

"Hii Mom and No" I give them both a big hug and a kiss to Mom and then I introduce Lucas.

"Well guys, this is Lucas." I say a little awkward.

Lucas shakes hands with them both, but soon he is in a hug from Mum and some weird handshake from Noah. Lucas is already looking a lot more relaxed.

We had already put all our stuff in the hall so that we would be at the car with the loading of the luggage. Lucas stays at our house for a few days and then goes home. It makes a difference that he lives just outside London so we can easily see each other.

Mom is going to talk with one of the supervisors how it went and in the meantime we have a chat with Noah. We talk about what it was like, what we did and a lot more. And Noah tells about what he did at home, where he went and what it was like.

Niall pov

I just got a message from Mum that they have picked up Sydney and are now in the car on the way home. She immediately sent this photo of Sydney and Lucas falling asleep in the back.

 She immediately sent this photo of Sydney and Lucas falling asleep in the back

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I told Mom what I think about Sydney now with Lucas. I am happy for her, now she has at least a few people she can go to if there is something or just to chill. That Lucas seems pretty nice to me, he is also at the same school as Sydney, just not the same education. Lucas lives not far from us and seems to really love her.

Today is July 6th and I have a show in Argentina, we are already halfway through the tour and I am sorry that it is almost over. It's always so nice to see all those fans so happy and that they all sing along.

"Is She?"  *Slow updates*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat