Part Seventeen

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13 September 2018

The whole house is decorated with balloons and garlands but he isn't here himself. Today is Niall's birthday, the first birthday I've attended. But he isn't home himself. Noah and I decorated the whole house together for his birthday this afternoon. Niall does have a week off for his birthday but he's staying in LA because he has another show on 18 September.

Mum, Dad, Greg and Lucas have also come here so that we can all celebrate Niall's birthday together. Lucas and I have to go to school, but Mum, Dad and Greg will be here all day and so will Noah of course.

It is now 7 o'clock in the morning. Actually, we wanted to call last night because it was already 12 o'clock midnight here, but Niall quickly texted us to go to sleep because it wouldn't be 12 o'clock at his place yet. So now it is almost 7 o'clock in the morning and it is his birthday too!

Facetiming; Big Brother!

Niall appears in the screen and we start to sing

> Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear Niall

Happy Birthday to You!

< Ahww thank you guys!!!

We all chat a bit more with Niall and Hailee and we talk about the last days of his tour as it is almost over. I also told him about my present to show him where I have been living for the last few years. He really liked the idea and would love to be able to see it once, we just have to find a place in his schedule to go there. Not much later, all the people from his crew come to congratulate him and we have to hang up

Call ended

It is almost 8 o'clock and Lucas and I have to walk to school. It will be about 20 degrees today so I quickly decided that it would be another hoodie day. I put on a pink hoodie with black trousers and my white Nike trainers. Lately you can really tell that it is almost autumn and that it is starting to get really cold.

I feel like going to school today, me and Rosalie will continue designing our stand for the final project! We have already finished all the posters and logos, so we only need to design the stand. We both especially like to make it like a real stand at the end of the school year and be able to see everything in real life.

Good morning students! As always, we wish everyone a great day with lots of good lessons! And let's start with the celeb news! Today is Niall Horan's 25th birthday, Lili Reinhart's birthday and Corey Scherer's birthday. We wish everyone a happy birthday of course! Today is also Children's Heroes Day! Okay and now we continue with today's sports news.

Sounds the school radio when I walk with Rosalie into the auditorium. Of course Niall is in it again, and immediately Rosalie looks at me with a surprised expression and says "Congratulations on your brother!"

"Oh yeah thanks, I guess." I laugh a little awkwardly. What am I supposed to say, it's not even my birthday. She'd better tell Niall, but then I think that might be a bit difficult. So I laugh it off and we go on to the classroom.

And suddenly I get a message from mum

Texting; Ma

< Syd you forgot your crutches, shall I bring them over quickly?

Show the message, shit always those crutches. She's right, it's been bothering me more and more lately and I actually have to use the crutches.

> ughh okay if you bring them.

&quot;Is She?&quot;  *Slow updates*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat