chapter 22

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Soon they made it to her apartment. Leo put her down than opened the door. Thankfully her parents won't home yet. They walked inside. As soon as they door closed Leo pinned her against the wall.

"L-Leo?" She asked bashful and surpised.

"Just admit it." He smirked and leaned toward her. "You have feelings for me too."

She blushed awkwardly. How was she supposed to tell him she had feelings before she even met him?


Becca bit her lip. "M-maybe a little..." Like he beileve that! She thought.

"A little?" He leaned closer narrowing his eyes studying her.

"Okay fine! I had feelings for you even before we met! Happy now?!" She snapped and pushed him away. She than hurried to her room and disappered inside slamming the door behind her.

Leos face was red as he stood their in shock. A grin slowly came to his face as he pushed his fingers through his black hair. "Heh..." he turned and than ran toward her door. He slowly opened and peeked inside seeing her head buried in a pillow. "Becca?"

Becca buried her face even deeper.

Leo chuckled. He closed the door as he walked inside. He walked over and sat on her bed.

Becca felt the bed bounce a little as he sat down. She then let out an eep as he picked her up and put her on his lap.

He smirked. He gently grabbed her chin and made her face him. Than he kissed her closing his eyes.

Becca slowly closed her eyes and kissed back. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Soon they started to get in a heated make out session.

Five minutes later~

They slowly broke off the kiss panting a bit. Leo than pulled her gently into his chest and sighed happily.

Becca giggled a little as he pulled her than cuddled against his chest closing her eyes.

Leo held her tighter. Being careful to be gentle. Than fell onto his back taking her with him.

Becca let out a surpise squeal than giggled a bit.

Leo chuckled and gently started to brush his fingers through her blue hair with his eyes closed.

Becca closed her eyes relaxing at his touch but soon heard something. She tried to ignore it but it just kept getting louder. She sat up. "What the heck is that?"

Leo looked just as annoyed and sat up. Than got off the bed. He opened the door and blinked. "Uh I think we have a problem..."

Becca looked confused and went to his side. Her eyes went wide. She than face palmed. "You got to be kidding me?! How am I going to explain this?!"

In front of the TV was three guys looking around in amazement. One had brownish hair and brownish eyes. Another had green eyes and red hair. The youngest out of the three had blonde hair and bright baby blue eyes. Yep....Leos brothers followed him...

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