chapter 21

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Art by anime girl on amino)

Leo got into a fighting stance as Tigerclaw did the same.

Tigerclaw pounced forward but Leo dodged.

"Hah! That all you got kittycat?" Leo teased with a smirk.

Tigerclaw snarled and took out his laser gun.

Leo backed up. "Oh shi-" He leaped out of the way as Tigerclaw shot at him.

Tigerclaw laughed slightly. "Its so much easier to beat you as a human!"

Leo glared. "I may be a human but I can still kick your ass." He raced forward than dodged around him. Than when Tigerclaw wasn't looking. Kicked him where the light dont shine.

"Gah!" Tigerclaw cried out in pain holding his...area. Than fell to his knees. "That arugh! Was a keep shot!"

Leo laughed a bit than raced off to find Becca before Tigerclaw got back up. He started to slam open each door looking inside each one. Soon he came to a pitch black room and walked inside. He looked around.

"Whos there?!" Demanded a familiar voice.

Leo sighed with relief. "Becca? Where are you?" He glanced around for any sign of her.

"By the wall hurry!" She cried out.

Leo followed her voice with hand out till he touched something squishy. He blinked confused.

"Let go of my chest!"

Leo leaped back. "Arugh sorry!!" He than reached upward and found some ropes. He than untied them and caught her as she fall with an ooooff. "You okay?!" He asked with concern.

"Yah thanks."

He helped her stand back up. Than hugged her.

Becca blushed and was thankful for the darkness. Her heart pounded.

"Im sorry!" He cried and buried his face in her neck. "Im so sorry..."

Becca frowned and hugged back. "No im sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did."

Leo hugged her slightly tighter than let go but held her hand. "Lets get out of here. We can talk later."

Becca nodded. "Good idea."

Leo raced out not letting go of her hand. He picked her up than leaped out a window and landed on a tree branch. Than he leaped down to the next edge and so on till they where on the ground. He put her down. Than ran back to her apartment.

Becca followed behind him panting a little as she wasn't used too all this running.

Leo noticed and picked her up again.

She blushed as he kept running. "I-i can walk!"

"No. Your to tired so ill carry you. Not like you have a choice anyway."

She blushed even redder and looked away bashfully.

Leo noticed and smirked a little. He stopped for a split second to kiss her than kept running.

Her face was red as a tomato and her mouth slightly opened in shock and surpise.

Leo looked pretty proud of himself.

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