chapter 12

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Leo sighed as he sat on the couch. He kept thinking of what happened last night. He couldn't get over it that he was in love with Becca! He barely knew her as it is!

"YO LEO!!"

Leo jumped in surpise and glared at Raph beside him. "You don't have to yell!"

"I kinda do when your so spaced out you don't hear us calling you three times. Dude what's up?" Raph asked crossing his arms.

Leo stood up. "Its nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Course I'll worry. Your my brother." Raph put a hand on his shoulder. "Seriously what's wrong?"

Leo looked at him. "Can you fall in love with someone you barely know?"

Raph blushed and backed up remember mona lisa. He scratched his neck. "Well I guess it's possible."

Leo sighed.

"Why you ask?"

Leo looked at him being serious. "I think I'm in love with Becca."

Raph blinked and after a moment burst out laughing. "Your in love with Becca?! Seriously?!"

"Shut up! This is why I didn't want to say anything!" Leo snapped looking frustrated.

"Hey guys!" Becca greeted walking in smiling holding a box with April beside her.

Leo turned and felt his heart skip a beat. "B-Becca! What you doing here?"

"Uh I live here?" She answered confused and looked at April.

April shrugs.

"Anyway. We bought christmas decorations!" Becca cheered.

Raph smirked. "Maybe you can kiss her under the mistletoe." He tease Leo.

Leo punched his arm glaring.

Raph winced and chuckled. "Worth it."

"You two are acting stranger than normal." April greeted walking over leaving Becca to decorate. "What's going on?"

"Leo loves Becca!" Raph answered quietly grinning.

Leo blushed and growled. "Raph!"

April grinned and squeed. "Ah! This is amazing news! Oh romance in the air! Ah!" April jumped up and down in excitement than stopped. "Shes much better than Kurai." She answered being a matter of fact voice.

Leo face palmed as Raph laughed.

"Yo Becca be careful!" Mike yelled looking over seeing Becca on a latter.

Leo looked over.

"I'm fine!" Becca answered as she reached forward toward a pipe. Her tongue out. She had a red ribbon in her hand. "Almost got it!" The latter started to wiggle.

Leo raced over.

Becca stuck it on. "Got it!" She yelled happily than started to fall backward. "Whoa!" She yelled as she fell off.

"Becca!" Raph,mike and April yelled.

Donnie peeked out of his lab to see what was happening.

Leo quickly caught her in his arms. "You okay?!"

Becca blinked and blushed surprised. "I-im okay!"

Leo put her down. "You got to be more careful!" He snapped.

She glared. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"Well what if I wasn't here to catch you!"

"I'm sure I would have been fine!"

"Yah in a hospital bed!"

"What's with you being so protective all of a sudden?!"

"Its cause i love you!" He snapped than froze blushing like crazy at what he just said.

Becca looked stunned.

Mikey and Donnie looked shocked.

Raph laughed as April grinned.

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