chapter 20

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A/n: well here we are. Big old double numbers. Lol I don't really know how long this go for. XD But I'm glad people like this. Sorry for any spelling or grammar issues. When its done. I might have a friend go through it and fix any issues later. For now enjoy the mistakes in all its glory! At least it's entertaining? Anyway. Again thanks for all the views! Don't forget to vote too! Now onward to chapter 20!!)

It was around lunch time when Becca went to eat her lunch outside alone. She left Leo's lunch on her locker. He wasn't there anyway.  She couldn't really pay attention to any of her morning classes. She felt bad about what happened earlier but still thought it was a good idea to do that. He had to get over her sooner or later right? She took a bite out of her tuna sandwich and a sip from her orange juice box. She thought she felt a brisk of wind. She looked up and dropped her food. The next moment all she saw was black...

After school:

Leo sat on a park bench feeling sorry for himself. He still didn't know why Becca was acting like this? Did she not feel the same? Did she really wish he never showed up here? He sighed and leaned backward staring at the sky. "Maybe i am an idiot..." he muttered than shivered and stood up. Something didn't feel right. He raced toward Beccas school. He raced behind the school and saw her lunch all over the ground. He hurried over and picked up her crushed sandwich or rather peices of it. "Her lunch." He glared a little and dusted the food off his hands. He glared looking around for a clue and grinned seeing bits of tuna fish on the ground. Foot prints. "Heh...easy. At least I hope so." He followed them. After what seemed like ages he came to an large apartment building or rather was. It looked like it was an crummy business building now. He sneaked inside making sure to stay quiet and out of sight. Thank goodness for his ninja training. He made it to the elevator. Once closed he pushed the button for the top floor. "Ill work my way from top to bottom." He glared and put a fist against the door. "I should have never left her. It just seems like she always gets in trouble when I'm not around." He pressed his forehead against the metal as it kept going higher. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I have to save her all the time?" He looked up and blinked staring at his reflection than smiled. "Ninja. Ill still be a ninja. A ninjas job to protect those they love no matter what." He stood proudly. "I may be a human but I'm still a ninja in training! I can still kick ass even without my weapons and brothers!" He grinned feeling better now when the door dinged. It opened up and a voice greeted him. "What we have here? A lost teenage boy?"

Leo winced. That voice...He looked up and stared at a tiger like man that was realistic than what he was used too. "Uh..."

He narrowed his eyes than laughed a bit. "No! It can't be! Your that annoying turtle leader aren't you?!"

Leo glared and went in a ninja pose ready to fight. "I knew it was you Tigerclaw. Can't you stay in your own universe?"

Tigerclaw pretended to think than shrugged. "Nah. Than I wouldn't get to beat you up so easily."

Leo smirked. "Try it."

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