Surprising Josh on set

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Heyyy guys! Welcome to my first book! It's imagines of our fav Joshua of course:) Hope y'all enjoy it! Sorry for the many spelling and grammar mistakes there are gonna be.
Send in requests! i'm happy to write them

You haven't seen Josh in over 3 months, and you were both going crazy. You both missed their cuddles and kisses and couldn't wait till you could see each other again. Josh was in Utah filming for hsmtmts while you stayed in california.

Of course you guys facetimed and texted but it just wasn't the same. So, you decided to visit. After texting the cast, you planned out everything, you booked your flight and was on the plane to utah.

You had told josh that you were going to be with your family all day so you weren't gonna be on your phone, he believed it and didn't think to hard when you didn't reply to his texts.

You landed in utah around 6am and got picked up by Olivia and Sofia. They drove back to Sofia's apartment and went over t he plan. Everyone knew expect for josh.

You would get sneaked in while josh was doing a scene, they would take you up to Sofia's tralier until the gym scene with miss jen and nini. Instead of nini walking into the scene it would be you.

The cameras would be rolling just for fun, and everyone would stay and watch "the scene".  Finally, it was nearing the scene. You were in sofia's tralier waiting.

Sofia than came barging in. "Y/N! It's time!!!l" she whisper yelled. ""Ahhhh okay okay." Sofia carefully lead you to the hallway near the gym doors where the scene would be taken. You could hear josh on the other side of the doors, getting reading for his scene. You peaked through the slim opening in the doors and could see the whole cast and olivia hiding so josh couldn't see her. Josh would be suspicious if olivia was behind the camera instead of in the scene.

Finally the scene started, Tim yelled "Action!" Josh and Miss jenn did there scene and to be less suspicious Tim yelled to do another take. This was it, you were gonna see josh again. You heard your cue coming up.

Miss Jenn did her last line, and than you opened the doors. Josh whipped around ready to see olivia. He's eyes went wide. You were grinning so hard as you stared at those brown eyes. "Y/N!!? OH MY GOSH YOUR ACTUALLY HERE!" he ran up to you and picked you up and spun you around, You heard awwws in the back ground, but that didn't matter. You immediately hugged back and didn't let go.

He pulled back and stared into your beautiful (your eye colour) eyes. He was smiling so wide, your eyes both flicked towards each other lips and slowly leaned it. It was sweet, passionate kiss. You pull away to breath and you hear Josh whisper "i love you so much y/n"

"i love you too Joshy"

ahh this was so basic, i'm sorry if u have seen something like this before but I wanted to see it done with the muffin scene in ep 9

I hope y'all having a great day! i'll update soon:)

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