Chapter One

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Being born into the world, Roxie stands in a pitch black corner. She stood there for a good five minutes or so, waiting for something to happen to her. Just then, a boy comes rushing into the room. Roxie came out of the dark with her glowing dark green eyes, no clothes, ready for a fight.

The boy slowly and calmly walks forwards until three giant men show up. She knew she wouldn't win, so she backed down, became invisible. Two of the three giants freaked out but the other two seem perfectly okay. All of a sudden, she saw the wings of those two.

"Roxie? I'm Jack" he raised his hand.

"B-brother?" She asked, tilting her head.

Jack looked back to the other three, having no idea what to say or do. "I have to find my fathers Castiel and Dean Winchester" Roxie spoke up, turning visible. Two men look at each other, looking a little surprised.

The man in the trenchcoat and a slightly taller man both looked to Roxie. "My name is Castiel and that is Dean" trenchcoat man said. Roxie's eyes turned back to her normal colored eyes which were brown.

Suddenly, the lights turned on, and Roxie went invisible again. Castiel, Dean, and Jack look back to see the taller man flick on the lights and shrugged. "Roxie, its okay. There's nothing to be afraid of" Jack said warmly.

She doubted it, but she is with her family, and they know they'll keep her safe. Turning visible once more, Castiel took off his coat and placed it on Roxie, covering up her bits.

"You see that tall man over there? That is your uncle Sam. He will protect you as well"

Roxie said nothing to anyone, all she did was observing the room. Seeing a crib with the name Roxie above it. "Let's go home" Dean looked to all of us. Sam, Castiel, and Jack nodded while Roxie went along.


After the hours journey in the car, they finally arrived to the bunker. Of course Roxie didn't know what it is, but she'll love it once she gets to know around the place.

Entering the bunker, Roxie placed a hand on the railing, looking up to her father. Dean puts a hand on Roxie's back, smiling. "Welcome home, baby girl" he kissed the top of her hand.

Castiel stood on the other side of Roxie, also smiling like Dean. "As long as you're inside the bunker, you'll be safe" Castiel grabbed Dean's hand. Backing away, Roxie followed Sam and Jack down the stairs, setting the bags on the table.

"Jack, why don't you give a tour of the bunker to Roxie?" Sam gave a slight smile.

As the two of them walked around, Castiel and Dean were talking up above, and Sam began to unload the bags. Dean and Castiel helped with the bags when they were finished talking about their family.

The guys talked about Roxie, and how she was a perfect mistake. Dean and Castiel got drunk one night and did the dirty, but they didn't know that Dean would become pregnant with a Nephilim. Jack was excited once he found out, but Sam was mostly confused.

As the two nephilim kids start walking back to the war room, a flap of wings sounded. Being high alerted, Jack went in front of Roxie. She was ready for a fight. "Hey sugar" a new voice spoke.

She looked to see another angel. Jack stood down, already knowing who the man is. Roxie flashed her dark green eyes, ready to pounce on this angel. "Roxie, its okay. He's a good man not a threat"

The angel winked at Roxie, but she didn't like his action. Yelling at him, there was this dark green circle flying at the angel, making him freeze in place. She yelled quiet loud, making sure her fathers heard her. Roxie stood there with her dark green eyes lit up, angry.

Sam, Dean, and Castiel heard the scream and quickly panicked. Rushing over to where they heard the yelling, they were stumbled upon a strange scene. Gabriel, the other angel, not moving an inch. Only eyes and breath could be moving.

"Jack, what happened?"

"Gabriel just flew in and Roxie, I guess, froze him in place with her powers. I tried to tell her that he's not a threat to us."

Roxie still stood there, still having her glowing green eyes. After a few seconds, Roxie looked to her fathers. "You said you would keep me safe!" She yelled before disappearing. Once she was out of sight, Gabriel could move again.

"I'll go talk to her" Castiel sighed before flying away as well.

Sam and Dean talked to Gabriel and Jack about what happened while Castiel went to talk to Roxie. She didn't go far, just outside the bunker, looking out to nowhere.

Roxie was leaning against the railing, the main door just below her, and the car just a few feet away from the entrance. Once Castiel showed up next to Roxie, she'd calm down by now.

"Y-you said... you promised to keep me safe"

"That's what I'm doing, Roxie. That angel you made freeze in place? He's a good guy but the other angels are out to get you."


"Because you're a Nephilim, Roxie"

Castiel explained what a Nephilim is, the powers she has, and the monsters who are trying to track her down. After that, he told her that he's an angel and Dean is a human. She was a quick learner.

They had a pleasant talk about learning about the new world Roxie entered, as they went back inside the bunker, Roxie glared at that angel. She wasn't happy.

"Hey! Uh, sorry about that. I just like to mess with ya" he slyly winks.

Roxie felt threatened, but she remembered that he's a good guy. "I'm Gabriel... and you are?" Roxie didn't say anything. She didn't trust him at all. That look he gave her. "That's our daughter, Roxie" Castiel grab Dean's hand.

"Your daughter? Wow, would have never guess you two would hook up"

"Yeah? Well, she is a perfect mistake" Dean stated proudly.

Roxie didn't know what that meant, so she didn't really react. She stepped back, in between her dads. Pulling both their arms around her, making it look like they're both protecting her.

"How adorable, better take a picture for the album" Gabriel didn't look amused.

Sam was taking a shower, washing off the dirt and blood off him. Before Roxie was born, they were in an attack of demons just outside the house. Dean wanted to help the guys, but he couldn't. He was just happy that no one died from the thousands of demons.

As everyone else was talking, Jack helped Sam in the kitchen, making dinner. Roxie stayed quiet while her dads were taking to Gabriel. "Hey, Roxie" Jack said softly. She turned around to see him, smiling. "Come on, I want to teach you something"

Roxie followed Jack to the kitchen, seeing Sam making dinner. "Hey guys" Sam smiled as he wiped his hands on a rag. "Hey! I just wanted to teach Roxie to cook"

"Sorry guys, I already finished... but you guys can go to the store and get Dean some pie"

{Words: 1219}

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