"The boy can't hide a needle in a haystack," Leon groaned. "Any attempts he makes are embarrassing for everyone involved."

"He is good at avoiding though," Arthur admits. "His dodging and selective truths were a force to be reckoned with. With that, he basically hid it from me until he didn't want to anymore."

"I suppose my wife is a good combatant of that. She looks demure, but she is very good about weaseling information out of anyone, despite their wishes." Leon laughed, scratching his face with an embarrassed grin. "Hell, we probably wouldn't be married if not for her perceptiveness. I was quite shy about my affections, but she wasn't having any of it."

Arthur smiles to himself, eyes looking over to Emrys who was taking a break, sitting against the barn with his legs sprawled out as he chatted with Alice who fanned herself with her hat.

"I'd better get on," Leon smiled brightly, filling a couple of glasses with lemonade. "They asked me to stay in until you woke up. It's uncomfortable enough to wake in an unfamiliar house, after all, without knowing where one keeps the jam or butter. See you out there, don't worry about your plate. I'll see to it later."

Leon left through the back door, heading to the two with the glasses who thanked him before greedily drinking down the lemonade.

Arthur finished his plate and rinsed it before setting it in the sink. He looked at his socks, clean enough to feel comfortable doing a little snooping. He had only seen the back half of the house: the kitchen, dining room, a guest bedroom, and a bathroom. He wondered what the living room looked like.

He took his tea with him, smiling as he sipped. The living room was as cozy as he imagined-- with plaid couches and a worn, leather ottoman in a corner which housed a few antique stuffed animals.

He sat gingerly on the couch, sinking in, and wondered what he planned on doing from now on. Suddenly, it occurred to him that he should alert his dogsitter-slash-best friend Morri he was perhaps staying a little longer than anticipated. His cellphone was unlikely to get service this far out.

He picked up the landline on the end table to his side, dialing the number.

"Uh, hullo?" Morrison responded, sounding unsure.

"It's Arthur."

"Ah, didn't recognize the number. How goes it?" Morri asked, a smile evident through his voice.

"I found him-- I found Emrys. It was crazy chance!" Arthur laughed to himself, still giddy over it.

"Was it?" Morri sounded amused, "I somehow doubt that."

"Anyway, I'll be here longer than I planned. Maybe the whole holiday, I'm not sure."

"Going that well already? When's the wedding?"

"Oh shut up you clod." A door open and shut, Emrys peeking around the corner with a wave. "That's Emrys, I'll keep you updated. Tell Wade and Finn hello for me."

"Will do. Tell him to visit sometime, or call. Finn and I want to have a wrap session about all the things we've remembered." Morri asked, "Talk to you soon."

"Yep," Arthur responded, hanging up. "Emrys, I was just about to join you all."

"Just wanted to check on you," Emrys smiled meekly. "I'm going to the orchard, want to help me? We'll finish in half the time, maybe even before lunchtime."

"Sure," Arthur stood, grunting from the plush chair trying to suck him in as he stood. "I was hoping we would have some time alone."

Emrys blushed some, trying to play it off with a cough, "We will be, I promised Leon and Alice I would always work the crops farther from the house. It'll be nice to have the company."

So we meet again... (a merthur au)Where stories live. Discover now