"Dang it...that kid really needs to see a therapist if this continues. He's a ticking time bomb." Grandpa Adriel sighed.

"What happened to him?" I asked, still confused.

"For the first month he was here he's gone through hell Altan. Probably not nearly as much hell as he caused but it was in a shorter amount of time and no one is letting up on making him suffer. No matter how much we tell the pack he's trying they can't see past their pain. Of course we don't blame them but what more can we do, we're not going to guilt them into forgiving him or altering their memories cause that's not what this is but he's definitely taking hard hits. I've tried convincing him to talk to Collen, Connor, anyone who can connect to him some way whether it was rejection, his history as a hunter, whatever but he's at his breaking point. I've already seen him die once and I'm not letting him hurt himself, I can't lose you too." He said.

"Is that all that's been going on?" I asked.

"Not entirely, he's been training, doing manual labor and a few other things but I'm sure you've had visions so you can decide for yourself how you want to move forward but my advice is to just keep your distance or we execute him I really do. It may be the angel talking or it may be that this family doesn't do enough talking much less listen but if you're just going to pass judgement I don't know how or what to tell you. You're happy with Gary, so be with him and forget about Brent. He deserves peace." He said and before we knew it he was gone in a flash of light.

"Maybe he's right, maybe we should just leave. Brent and you still have a lot to get through to be so close to one another without the hostility. We can come back in a few months or so when and if he's more stable so let's just go for now and update everyone at home." Grandpa Liam said.

"What do you think, Kody? You've dealt with this stuff and you're my brother." I said.

"I think Liam and Adriel are right. In this state there won't be much talking. Look at how long it took Ethan and I to be together. Even if you do talk to him he may still feel broken so my advice is to be as far away as possible if he decides to end his own suffering. He's going through survivor's guilt now that he has his humanity back, he may be like this for months so let's just go." He said and I looked at the house in front of me and we teleported home.

As we got home I felt all the weight pile on even being away from him. It was stupid to think I was ready to move forward when the thought of him alone made my blood boil. At least I saw for myself the state he was in than to have someone tell me over the phone what could have very well been a lie.

"How did it go?" Papa asked.

"A complete and utter train wreck. I couldn't even get a word in because he snapped." I said flopping into the couch.

"He's that bad in just the two months he's been there?" Papa asked.

"That's an understatement. He looked so pale and had sunken eyes. It was bad papa, I just don't know what to do. It took you and mama so long to get back together, I don't want to wait that long to be happy when I've waited so long as it's been already. Fifteen plus years it took to find my mate and it's probably going to take several more until we're able to be together." I said groaning.

"Well kiddo, your situation is different as was mine and your mama. So you just have to wait it out and hope for the best. I'll try to get your grandpa Zander and see if we can't get more experienced help from someone other than the family, maybe send him to an institution than him being surrounded by people with so much hate and hostility. In hindsight I now see it was a bad idea to keep him there or around our kind after he got his humanity back and not have him transferred to a facility. Maybe the organization can help with that so I'll talk to your grandpa Liam." He said and I groaned. Having a mate that I can't stand currently, sucks.

"Ok, I'll be in my room taking a shower and by the way Gary is working late so he won't be home for a while." I said getting up and going to my room to take a shower. This day has been a flop and some.

After I got out of the shower, I got dressed and then papa knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Your Grandpa Liam said he'll have him moved tonight." Papa said and I nodded.

"That's good, is dinner done? I'm going to go visit Gary for dinner. Brent is just as much his mate so I need to update him and I miss him." I said.

"Yes, dinner is ready and packed for you and him. Drive safe alright?" Papa said and I nodded.

"I don't know how you knew to pack us dinner but thanks papa, I love you."

"I'm your papa, it's my job to know these things. I love you too baby boy." He kissed my forehead and I left.

On my way to the hospital I was feeling anxious so I grabbed two bottles of supernatural wine and flowers for Gary. He doesn't very well like Brent much like the rest of us here so I'm sure he'll tell me to let him go to save me from the heartache. Hopefully he comforts me before he drops the bomb.

As I parked, I got out of the car and grabbed the bag with our dinner and headed in. By now the front desk knows me so I just asked if he was free and I took the elevator to the floor he was on.

"I was wondering if you were alive." Gary said and hugged me.

"I am." I said hoping he got what I meant.

"What's wrong with him? How bad is he?" He asked looking up at me and seeing my tired eyes. His eyes softened and cupped my cheek and nuzzled his face against mine.

"It's bad bad. He's being transferred to a mental institution." I said sighing and sitting in front of one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"By the way I brought wine and flowers." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm still on the clock so I'll pass on the wine, I'll happily take the flowers though." He smiled.

"I guess I'm drinking by myself." I chuckled lightly.

"Babe if this is affecting you so much maybe you shouldn't go back until he gets help. I mean did you even get to talk to him?" He asked.

"I tried but he went off on me and stormed inside before I could even ask him anything." I said with a groan.

"You're definitely not going back, he blew up on you without giving you a chase to speak which means no one will hear the other person out so try again some other time. Maybe visit at the institution every so often to check up on him." He said smiling.

"That's not at all what I thought your reaction would be." I chuckled.

"I may highly dislike him but being someone who was rejected, I get feeling low and feeling neglected so I'd never tell you to let him go without fighting for him first. I didn't get the chance so maybe you can." He said squeezing my hand lightly.

"Thanks love, I needed that. I will also tell you this. Maybe you have a fighting chance too." I said with a wink and he gasped and broke out into a smile.

"I knew it." He said with confidence.

"I felt the change in my bonds and Koa has been pacing for the past week." He smiled.

"I'm sure in time he'll come find us." I smiled and with that we ate dinner having casual, light conversation until he was called away and I left after giving him a passionate kiss.

"I love you, see you at home."

"I love you too Altan."

I really hope things work out for everyone, I really do.

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now