All through the forty minutes ride she only prayed Ali was alright. Her mind repeatedly replaying the events of last night. She still had questions, a deal of them, but now she understands Ali's plight.

He's gone through a lot since childhood. He sure has a strong mind because if she's in his shoes, she doubts if she can still be sane after seeing the brother who risked his life for her burnt to irrecognition.

Even being able to carry his burning body out and looking for help? She'd have been too deranged to even know her name at that moment.

And she doesn't think after all those horrific events any amount of therapy could make her sane again cause there's every tendency she'd spend the rest of her life in a psychiatric.

But Ali's a tough-skinned man, since a boy, he might have flaws but he's a good man. A lot of circumstances made him the beast he's tying to make himself but there's still hope, she knows, hope that with the right remedy and approach, Ali'd be the best of himself he can be. But it wasn't easy and she's also aware of that.

He needs love, he needs understanding, he needs support and also the will to want to get over everything.

A whole and honest deal of all of that.

And are you willing to give that to him?

I should, and bi iznillah I will.

* * *

She's climbing up the stairs towards Ali's suite when she heard muffled shouts.

With more furrowed brows, she continued towards it and went in.

"... and take everything out! I can't believe this nonsense! The place looks like a mortuary!"

She came into the room and three pairs of eyes turned to her while Ali was by his wardrobe, taking out every piece of clothing.

The whole room was upside down!

Just like the sitting room was.

"I can't believe this! What are these?!" He raised two grey suits in the air before dumping them in the pile on the floor. "Where the hell do you want me to wear them to? A circus?! This whole room... I can't believe this is where I call my room! Farouq can you speak?!" He thundered.

"Yes, Ali." He said meekly.

"Then you don't stand there like a statue! Get moving! Change this whole place! Everything! In short I want the whole house down! Everything will be demolished! Do something!!!"

Amira's flustered eyes moved from Ali to Umar to Lawrence to Andy. "What's happening?"

"And who the hell asked you to come in here?! What disparagement is this?! My own room is open to just anybody?! Fuck!" He stomped his feet and pushed past Umar and Lawrence then out of the room, grumbling.

Umar turned on his heels and ushered Amira out.

"What happened?" He asked as he headed for the stairs, she following on his tail.

She's mute for a beat, thinking where to start from.

"We don't have time."

"We just talked, about everything."


"Entirely everything."

He stopped but shifted when she almost bumped into him.



"What else after that? Unusual."

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