Chapter Fifteen-The Cave

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TW: Spiders. Spiders and wolves. And more spiders but also wolves. Also strong language. And fighting. Lots of fighting. This is a fun chapter.

"Remind me again why we're leaving Patton?" Virgil asked as he, Logan, and Roman walked further into the darkness of the cave. At least he had waited long enough so Patton wouldn't hear them.

"Because we need someone at the mouth of the cave just in case something happens. A scout, if you will." Roman explained it like Logan had explained it to him the night before when they had chosen to sleep together in the same room. Roman had agreed almost instantly. Like Logan, he was also probably worried about Patton. The fact that Patton had told them he was feeling, as he put it "Off" was just something that made Logan realize they needed to protect him a little more than either Roman or Virgil. Unlike Roman, however, Virgil didn't seem convinced.

"That's what you told Patton. Now tell me the real reason?" Virgil folded his arms, stopping, and Logan turned back to look at him. Virgil was looking directly at Logan with an expectant expression, and Roman seemed a little lost, glancing back to Logan as well for answers.

"We don't know what he can do." Logan relents. Virgil scoffed.

"We barely know what any of us can do. We haven't really tested any theories, teach." Logan sighed.

"I'm aware of that, and trust me, as soon as we are away from the city, I would love nothing more than to go into an open area where we can figure out how to control what we can do, or even figure out exactly what abilities we possess. But at the moment, the only ability we are aware that Patton has is healing."

"Which would be useful if someone gets hurt!" Virgil still didn't seem moved.

"Or, and I'm aware that this is a worst-case-scenario, but bear with me, he could get separated from us, and he could be the one who ends up getting hurt. We aren't aware if he can heal himself, and I would prefer not to realize he cannot in the middle of a battle." Logan matched Virgil's stance, adjusting his glasses. Virgil faltered.

"I... I didn't think of that."

"Yes, that is why I'm here. To help you all think of things you might not otherwise." Logan smiles. "And, it will be nice to have a backup if things go wrong. If we all get stuck doing something, or all get separated, it will be nice to have someone to call in." He turned around, and the group started walking again. Noticeably slower this time, but Logan didn't mind.

"And you decided to bring both of us because...?" Virgil didn't sound skeptical, just nervous, so Logan decided to give the real answer.

"Because both of you have shown offensive abilities in the past. I'm sure my ability could also be used as an offensive power, or even a defensive power if need be. Roman was able to summon a flaming sword when he first used his magic, and you, Virgil have shown us the ability to shoot lightning out of your hands. Both of those are valuable in a fight." Virgil nodded and shivered. It was colder in the cave then Logan had expected, as they walked farther in. It was also bigger. He hoped that if they needed to call for help, Patton would hear them. 

"Stupid spiderwebs-" Roman sputtered, waving his hands in his face.

"Is everything alright, Roman?" Logan turned and Roman nodded.

"Yeah, there are just cobwebs hitting me in the face whenever I walk two feet." He groaned, wiping at the air again.

"Did... did Patton ever specify what type of giant bug is in the cave?" Virgil shifted, glancing around suddenly.

"I don't believe he did, why do you ask, Virgil?" Logan turned around and Virgil bit his lip.

"I... I've heard of giant spiders before." His voice was quiet. "I'm not afraid of spiders or anything, I used to have a pet one back with the gang, but giant spiders are a different story." He trailed off as another voice spoke.

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