Chapter Forty-Two- The Fight (Part One)

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Me: Huh, it's kind of weird that I have an instinct to click over to AO3 and Wattpad today isn't it?





TW: Uh... so angst? Yeah. Angst. This is... this is gonna be interesting. Non-sexual bondage, light torture, nothing graphic or descriptive, but there is pain dulled out. A decision that shouldn't be someone's to make being made... and yeah. Be prepared. This is part one of three

The group didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day. Not for lack of trying, after Virgil had calmed Patton down, he had been practically desperate for the other two to make up. He kept trying to get them to talk, but every time he backed down, going back to talking with Virgil instead. He didn't need them blowing up at him too.

They had nightmares that night. Esseray was smart enough not to let them know that she had realized they entered her city, but she played with their dreams just enough to make them horribly unpleasant.

Logan had found himself in a maze. There were words on plaques that he knew would lead him out, but he couldn't read or understand them. What made it worse was that there were so many voices calling out to him all around him. Some he recognized, his fathers, his boyfriends, Thomas's, and some were completely unfamiliar. The more he followed the voices, the more lost he became. 

Roman found himself chasing after something that looked like Logan, but whenever he got close enough to touch him, Logan disappeared in an echo of the words he had used before. Selfish. Narcissist. Cruel. All the while, he heard Patton and Virgil crying in the distance, but he couldn't go back to them until he had caught Logan. He needed to catch Logan. He needed to stop hurting people.

Virgil watched as, in his dream, Logan and Roman were fighting while Patton was trying to stop them. Suddenly, a giant version of Esseray rose behind them. Virgil tried to call out to them, to warn them of the doom behind them, but it was too late, as Esseray destroyed Patton, Logan, and Roman in one blow, killing them. Virgil tried to run and fight, but Esseray just laughed, pushing him back into nothing.

Patton was tied down to something, just out of reach of Virgil and Logan and Roman. He needed to tell them something, something that would save them somehow. He needed to let them know that there was a trap or someone watching, the specifics of which he wasn't sure what, but the group searching couldn't hear him. They got within two feet of him before they gave up on their search. Patton tried to scream, but nothing came out.

They each woke up earlier than they should have. They each glanced around them, looking at the other three, and wanting to reach out, hug them, ask for any sort of comfort. Then what had happened that day hit them again, and they turned over, trying to go back to sleep.

None of them could.

They finally 'woke up' when Thomas burst into their room panting.

"Uncle Chris is gone!" Instantly, everyone was sitting up, looking at Thomas with concern.

"What do you mean?" Logan grabbed for his glasses, slamming them onto his face.

"He went out last night to go meet someone important. He told me he wouldn't be more than an hour, but he's not in his bed. He usually leaves a note or something if he's out for later, or if he leaves while I'm still sleeping. Something's wrong." The entire group met each other's eyes.

"Esseray." They all said at the same time. The room was a bustle of getting dressed as Thomas quickly exited. They made their way downstairs and to the front door, only to be met by a small black-haired girl.

The Prince, The Gangster, The Teacher, And The Poet (Sander Sides Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now