2. Running Away

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Those words "We have to send them away, now." Were the trigger of a few things.

Firstly, Kyla started crying in the realisation that we needed to leave the castle and were running away.

Then, my father called one of his life guards and spoke to him about something important, it seemed. A few seconds later, the guard dissapeared through the back entrance to the throne room.

Next, my mother walked over to all 3 of us with a sad smile "I love you so much, my little girls." Without thinking twice, the four of us engulfed each other in a big hug. I didn't wanted to run away, but I also knew that I had no choice.

The following moments, we spent by saying our goodbyes to our parents. Valerie and I tried to keep ourselves big for Kyla, but it wasn't easy.

It was silent after another clashing serie of swords against each other, were heard.

Once the life guard returned, father sighed in relief, but at the same time in defeat "It's time to go."

My mother gave us all one last hug "Be save, girls." Father added "Handmaiden Donna is coming with you too."

I was glad that she could come with us. She didn't deserve to stay behind. Donna gave my father a thankful smile "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Father explained "My life guard, Sam, will take you to the Capital of Mandriana. There you'll be safe." The life guard responded "The carriage is ready." Mother nodded in understanding and motioned Donna with her hands to come over to her.

The woman did so and my mother started talking to her. After a minute of two, she gave Donna 3 small black coloured boxes. Once Donna had come back to the rest of us, my mother sighed with a sad smile "Goodbye, my girls."

Donna took one of Kyla's hands in hers and gave her a small smile "You'll be okay, My Lady." Kyla looked up at Donna and merely nodded in response. The life guard walked ahead of us and motioned us to follow him.

He brought us to the back of the throne room and opened the emergency door. We walked through the door and we were met with the low sounds of yelling and screaming from inside.

The carriage stood in the shadow of one of the trees in the garden. It was a simple carriage, which made sure that we wouldn't be noticed as the Royal Family. It was a black one with small paterns that were carved in stripes.

Donna urged Kyla, to go in first. Then Valerie. After her, was it my turn and after me, Donna went inside too.

Sam had already taken place at the front of the carriage and was just like all of us, wearing simple clothes.

I looked back at the castle and saw both mother and father waving us goodbye, one last time. They mouthed "We'll be okay." I shook my head in disagreement at their comment and I looked at Kyla.

Valerie was trying to comfort her, together with Donna, who was sitting next to her. If we had been in a total different situation, I could have smiled in joy at the way how Donna and Valerie were working together. That didn't happen very often.

Valerie turned to me and sighed sadly "I'll miss them." I gave her a sad sigh back "We all will." Kyla shook her head "Why couldn't we just stay?" Donna gave her a look of sympathy "They wanted you girls to be safe."

We all knew that, but we didn't want it to happen like this. I couldn't lose my parents and nor did both of my sisters. We needed them.

The carriage started moving and I saw the castle slowly dissapearing from the view.

Donna cleared her throat, to get our attention, after we had lost sight of our home. "My Lady's?" All 3 of us looked at her with a questioning look.

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