India To London

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I took one last glance at my room before closing the door. This was it! I was finally going to my dream place London. After 2 years of trying hard to get an job somewhere abroad I managed to get one in London,UK. "Beta ready?" My mom asked me standing near our home entrance door. I smiled wide showing all my teeth to make her see how ready I was. Yes I was going to miss my family but being on my own was something I always wanted to experience. And once I go to London I won't be coming back for a long time is what I knew. My dad drove us to the airport but first making a stop at the Gurudwara.

"Okay here's your passport." My dad said handing me my stuff. "Take care of your belongings and most importantly your passport and Visa documents." I smiled at his worried face. No matter how hard he tried to hide it I knew he didn't want me to leave. But no one else knew better than him how badly I wanted to always work somewhere away from India. I hugged my mom followed by my dad. And lastly my elder brother Rohan. "Byee!" I said for the last time before getting inside the airport.


I was exhausted after a 12 hours flight. When finally I was finished with all the London airport duties I finally stepped out. The evening Cold breeze of London made wrap my arms around myself. My full sleeve sweater top wasn't helping me at all so I put on my black jacket before proceeding ahead. Someone from the company was supposed to pick me up to take me to the place where I was to stay. I scanned through the crowd to see my name board and when I finally did it was a man in his early forties standing at the end. "Shanaya Arora. That's me." I said. "Welcome to London ma'am. I am Steve and I will be your guide around London for today and Tomorrow." Steve said in his thick British accent. "Nice to meet you Steve and Thankyou so much." I smiled warmly at him and followed him towards the car. I sat in the back seat and Steve drove the car. Driving through the city I looked around it was beautiful. The most unique Skyscrapers I saw looking out of my window. This still felt like a dream to me. "We are here." Steve said breaking the trail if my thoughts. I quickly got down as He removed my luggage from the trunk. From where We stood I understood it was a residential area. The building right in front if me was just a 10 story building.

"This is where you will be staying." Steve unlocked the door to my flat. It was a lovely apartment. Small and cozy just like I wanted it to be. It had a joint kitchen and living room with a big enough bedroom for one. Apart from that the best thing was it was furnished which made it so easier for me to reside.

"There is enough food commodities for almost a month for you. And there is a Supermarket two blocks away from here which where you can go if you need anything else." He said. I mean Wow! This job is completely worth it. Food commodities for almost a month, saved so much of time and money for me. "Okay. Anything else you want me to know?" I asked him. "Yes. Your office is 15 minutes away from here. So I suggest you take a bus everyday. The bus stop is at the end of your block." He explained me thoroughly and also gave me the bus number to save me from any further hustle. "Thankyou Steve." I said standing at the door as he left. "Your welcome Ma'am." He said. "Just Shanaya please." I said smiling sheepishly. Being called ma'am around just felt really awkward and formal. "Very well. I'll see you tomorrow." He said bidding me a good bye. What a nice man! Wish he smiled a bit more though. I thought.

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