Chapter 33

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The moment they are both in the room, the door on the other side opens and a large Shril steps through. Adam's first impulse is to turn back to the shaft and escape the creature, but it quickly puts its' hands up in front of itself in a non-threatening way. "Please, I am here to help you. My name is Kril, and I am the Speaker for the Shrils. Welcome to my private quarters. You will be safe here, till the meeting."

He turns to Jarl, who nods his head seriously. "It is true. Jard cannot touch you here, and he would not dare hurt Evian if he did not have you in his grasp."

Adam walks up to Kril and extends his hand to him. "My name is Adam, and I am pleased to meet you, but now it is about time for you to explain what is happening and why Jard is bent on capturing us."

Kril nods his head. "Please follow me. I have a fire going in the next room, and it will be more comfortable for us to talk freely there to one another."

Kril turns and renters the door he had just walked through, with Adam and Jarl following. They enter, and Kril indicates a couple of chairs that they would fit into comfortably that he has set out just for them.

They sit, and Kril goes to the side table across from the small room, where Avon fruit sits in a fine wire mesh bowl, and a pitcher of water rests in the center of three large glasses. "Would you like something to eat and drink while we talk? We have about three turns before our meeting with the Crawlers."

Jarl nods his head after looking to Adam for his thoughts. "That would be appreciated, thank you."

Kril sets the bowl on the table between them and pours some water into the glasses and sets one down in front of each of them. Jarl reaches for a random fruit and takes a bite from the juicy globe. Adam reaches for one but sets it on the table in front of him as he picks up the glass of water offered to him. Jarl is chewing happily and takes a deep drink of the water as soon as it is offered to him.

Kril returns to the side table and pours some of the water for himself as he keeps an eye on Adam. Who has been watching Jarl closely as he enjoys the quick meal.

Kril smiles and sits down with his back to the fire, so he can absorb as much heat as possible. This meeting with the strange Mole could be the most important meeting he has ever had. He watches Adam stare at Jarl and smiles as he realizes what Adam is doing. "You don't need to worry. The fruit and water are safe, there is no drugs or spice in either of them. I need you as coherent as possible for our meeting later."

"I hope you don't mind if I don't share your assurance at this time. Since arriving here on your planet, I have been manipulated and herded as you do regularly with the Moles under your care. You have sent me to the Island and have captured Evian, who I hope has not been harmed in any way by your people," states Adam flatly, not wanting anything to stop him from getting what he wants from the upcoming meeting.

Kril nods his head slowly at his decisive words. "I know that you are equal to us in your understanding of how things work. The fact that you came through the Sphere is proof of that, but it is the knowledge of the future on your planet and ours, that concerns us the most."

"Yes, I figured that is what this is all about. I have your answers, but you will not get them unless you can assure me that Evian and myself will be allowed to leave through the Sphere when I have answered your questions."

Kril sips from his glass of water. "Agreed, I will ensure that you will be allowed to leave. I will stake my life on that."

Adam takes the smallest of drinks from the glass to show his belief in what Kril is saying. "So where is Evian? There will be no meeting unless she is here with me. On this issue there is no negotiating."

Jarl had been listening to this whole exchange and is shocked by the way he is talking to Kril. "Adam. Please show some respect for the Speaker of the Shrils. They are our masters and we are their subjects. It is our place to serve them."

Kril turns to Jarl. "Don't worry. I suspect that in a lot of ways, Adam's people are ahead of us. We could not use the Sphere till we found the device in the secret compartment to the side of the entrance into the Sphere Chamber. Adam here was able to figure out how it works and open it without a device. I respect his knowledge and have not taken offence to his demands. I would do the same in his place."

Jarl visibly relaxes and sits back in his chair to contently finish his fruit, as Kril turns back to Adam. "Do you have any other questions, before our meeting with the Crawlers?"

"When is Evian arriving? I have been separated from her for a few periods and I am anxious to make sure she is all right."

Kril claps his hands loudly, and the door to his quarters immediately opens. The guard who was stationed just outside snaps to attention. "Yes, Speaker, what do you need?"

Kril sits up straight in his chair. "Please inform Jard that Adam has arrived, and he is to bring Evian to my chambers immediately."

"I will pass on the message. I am sure that he will want to fulfill your wishes," responds the Guard calmly.

Kril turns to Adam, who has watched the exchange and it does not make him feel comfortable here at the Fortress. "I apologize for the rudeness of the guard. We seem to be having a slight internal conflict right now."

Adam raises his eyebrows. "From what I hear it is more than a slight conflict. I hear that this Jard wants the Shrils to return to the old ways of getting their food."

"Yes, he does, but even he needs the support of the Crawlers. They are the ones that provide the Moles with the necessary ingredients, so their bodies can process it into the enzyme that we Shrils need to survive. We have not been able to duplicate the process, so the Crawlers force us to do as they command. Jard knows this and therefore can't make any changes, unless the Crawlers agree with him, which they don't," states Kril firmly.

Adam is still not convinced, because even though he suspects what the question might be, he does not know for sure. Unfortunately, though, if it is the question he suspects, the answer he gives could change the whole dynamic of the culture here on Mur.

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