Chapter 37

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Yeah I just noticed that half of the last chapter was cut off i don't know why but Went back and rewrote it for you guys

Chapter 37
More Than One

Ariana's POV

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" James asked sweetly as we waited for the nurse to come in to start the ultrasound

"A song, I started it a few days ago. I can't get it out of my head"

"Thats it about??"

"Its called New Life, I think you can figure out the rest" My cheeks were red as roses

"Hmm sounds wonderful"

"Ok you two ready to see your baby?" The nurse said coming into the room putting on her gloves

"Yes" James held my hand, I squeezed it

"First things first would you want to know the sex?"


Here we go again, I will make sure I win this battle


Alexa's POV

"Babe, have you decided on going or not?" Carlos asked me

"Not sure yet" I answered

"Well you have an hour, I'd like to see everyone"

"Than go, I'll be fine"

"Lex, Ariana thinks your mad at her for some reason cuz you defended her at the wedding then just disappeared on her"

"Hey, I get it. You know why I don't want to go"

He came over to me and kneeled down in front of me, taking both of my hands

"I've being trying a little extra the normal for 2 months now. Why not you go take it again, and if not I will set up a nice, romantic night and I'm sure that will do the trick"

I don't know I'm kinda of tired of getting my hopes up for nothing

But "I guess so"

"Come on put on smile and go in there, I have a quick call to make and right after you can tell me the results" he smiled, gave me a perfect kiss before taking his phone out of his pocket and walking to the back yard

Well here goes nothing


"Yes, Tuesday seems fine"

"Los los los!" I came running I jumped on his back

"I'll call you back"

"Yes yes yes"

I held the 5 positive tests in front of him

I took more the one just to make sure

"Lex! We did it!"

"We're pregnant!" He spun me around "it only took how many years"

"I told it would happen"


Ariana's POV

"Sorry, I was gonna make sure I won that one"

"You're gonna make me wait to know what our baby is?"

"Sorry" I held my head high and smiled

"So Did anyone answer you back yet?" I asked him as we pulled into the drive way

"Everyone except for Carlos and Alexa.." He dragged out the a "I think I know why now" he got a texted on his phone

"Why?" I looked over at him

"Looks like Carlexa is pregnant"

"No way, is why she's been avoiding?"

"This literally just happened. They found out like 10 minutes ago"

"Well I didn't see this coming" I said my eyes wide "They've been trying for years and it happens now"

"Maybe it had to happen someone else first" He smirked I pushed him

"wonder who's next" I thought

"Its gonna be Lucy, I can never see Taylor pregnant never ever"

"I agree on it being Lucy, but Come on no could ever see my pregnant and now its happening"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now