Chapter 46

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Chapter 46
All Over Again

James' POV

"Check check 1 2" i said into the mic

Here we are our last performance as a group, and its a nice acoustic setting. This is our winding down performance

Our previous performance we did at sold out Madison Square Garden last week

It was absolutely insane, best way to finish off the band

And there everyone as a group spend a few days in New York to catch up mostly and hangout since none of us really had time

Logan was working on a movie and Taylor just recently released an album
Carlos and Alexa have there child coming soon as well
Kendall and Lucy are getting used to the married life and traveling a lot around the world
And me and Ariana with our baby coming up in 2 months

2 months, insane to think that its been 7 months passed already.

Ariana still had the beautiful glow to her, she thinks she always looks extra fat now I always disagree. She has that belly and thats all, in fact she's still rocking heels, god knows how she does it because she refuses to buy sneakers or any shoes like that. I look at her everyday and she makes me smile so much

And to see her in the crowd with the biggest smile on her face just makes me the happiest man in the world and I realize how lucky I am to love her

Out relationship ship is still on the down low even though it would be a surprise to anyone.

This baby is a way for us to start off again with a clean slate, but we don't try to forget the past like how most people do when to do a clean slate. The past has what made us today and I don't regret a single second of it


"Our last song of the night, we want to thank you nyc for having us and this is All Over Again"

All Over Again, wow couldn't explain how I feel more perfectly

"Feels like I'm falling in love all over again"..


I almost wanted to cry thats how happy and sad I was

Sad because of our last performance but Happy because of the whole experience I couldn't be more thankful for. I wouldn't have met Ari the band and show, at the time, never happened.

"You were overly amazing tonight, I'm so proud of you" she wrapped her arms around me.

"I couldn't stop looking at you during the last song" she blushed "that song is just so truthful"

We stopped walking when we reached our hotel room. We stopped out side the door and I looked at her and smiled

"What?" She giggled

"I love you. You heard me, I love you. I've fallen in love all over again with you, it hit me flat in the face that night when we finely kissed for the first time in a long time. And I don't know why I didn't say this sooner"

She started cry and immediately put her arms around me kissed me so

"Oh James, I love you more than you'll ever know"


We laid in bed together, the only thing covering us was the blanket.
We played games with our hands linking them together than made circles and brought them back together.

"I think its time, we let everyone know" she said with a smile

"About us or"

"Us than I'm sure they'll put the rest of the pieces together"

"Okay" I said in agreement, I honestly didn't care I was with the only I love thats all that matters

She grabbed her phone from the bedside table, Pulled the blanket more over herself and opened her camera

She set up some how so it was standing up back on the side table.

And we took a couple pictures that are now my favorite. She posted one on her instagram zoomed into our faces more with no caption (the picture that I posted with the chapter)

Than another that simply said I love you.

I reposted one but said love you more than words can tell

This was the topping to a perfect week


A few days later we we're hold and settled, happy as can be

I went out to the gym for a bit when Ari was napping, I spent a few hours there, took some selfies, the usual

I decided to get her a snack from her favorite place, so she had something to snack on tomorrow since I have a busy day tomorrow, Everything was good.

I was driving home, little people we're out on the roads since it was getting late.

It was pouring too, hard to see if anyone was coming from the opposite direction.

I couldn't tell if I saw lights in the opposite direction though, I was squinting my eyes trying to tell...

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now