Chapter 32

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Chapter 32
Put You Back Together


James' POV

"James what happened in here?" Logan walks in to my trashed bedroom and to see me on the floor with bloodshot eyes and a hole in the wall next to me

"Bro whats wrong?"

I sat here quietly, and looked around at what I had done.

He came over next to me I stared straight ahead

"James, what happened?"

"I think I'm falling apart.." My voice cracked, i ran my fingers through my hair let my hand just fall down.

"Now why would you say that?"

"....all these new responsibilities, how many things could wrong, my parents, everything"

"I thought you were happy about this"

"I've been acting for years, I can be convincing. I know how to put up a fake smile and charm"

I examined my left hand how my knuckles were bleeding, bet red, and swollen

I could have possibility broken it

"How long have you been holding this inside you?"

I didn't answer

"James, I can't pretend to know what your going through. But I want to help you has much as I can" He rubbed my back "now why not we go get that checked out and when he ask you fell skateboarding"

He stood up than helped me up

"I don't think your falling part, but if you say you are I gonna help put you back together"

"Thanks... And this never leaves this room"

"Got it"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now