Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
Let It Out

Ariana's POV

We're back in LA now, it makes me so happy to be home.

James was grabbing my stuff from the car and carrying it up to my room

He but my bags in my room, as I laid down. I missed my bed

"Last one" he threw it on the ground next to the others

"James, are you alright? Because you don't seem it"

"Yea I'm fine, get some rest I'll be back later to check on you ok"

He left like that, I knew something wasn't right

I finely found my phone, I guess Someone must one have put it in my travel bag. So relived now that I finely have it


Later that Night...

James' POV

It doesn't seem real..

I've been acting like I'm perfectly fine like I'm 100% happy about this

I'm torn in two it..

I'm happy I get to start a family I've always wanted but This isn't the way i wanted it too happen

Drunk sex really?!

What is wrong with me?!

I through papers across the room

It had to of been, nether of us remember shit from that night

How do I even know if I'm ready to start a family?!

Once my parents find out there gonna so disappointed in me and expect marriage.

Ari would have a heart attack

God knows if deep down she still hates me!

She couldn't even tell herself for 2 months that I was the father

More than just my parents are gonna disappointed, my whole family and i dont know probably Ariana's

We there on again, off again couple who's destroyed each others hearts for years and now when we think we finely settled all of that than its like bam Jariana is now having a baby

I'm angry and Disappointed in myself and just a whole mix of things I can't even explain

I sat on the floor and for the first time in a while I cried

All this bundled up inside me as I acted so happy

I finely just let it out

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now