"I know what you mean, I mean as far as seeing people who thought you died. After I was rescued by New Moon Pack, I was a nervous wreck because hunters held me captive for five years. Maybe you should talk to Zander, he's pretty chill and he and Altan are related so he's your best shot. He and I are best friends, practically brother, and sister." She said.

"I'm not sure Kate, I'll ask his opinion first. How much of that is exaggerated by the way?" I chuckled.

"Ok so we're not that close but he did rescue me from a cellar I was being kept in...but it was only a month ago." She blushed.

"Why are we friends again?" I chuckled.

"Because I'm a bad ass bitch and I was your teacher on controlling your powers which I'm completely jealous of." She huffed.

"It's not a power. It's just simple visions and foresight, nothing more. I'm still human." I sighed.

"Still, it's pretty damn cool especially in a fight, you can see your attacker coming before he even comes at you." She buffs.

"It's just a parting gift from the goddesses." I said and groaned.

"Let's go out somewhere, it's obvious this presentation is stressing you the hell out." She said practically dragging me out of my office chair.

"Can you wait a minute?" I sighed.

"Ok fine, do what you need to." She said walking downstairs. Damn woman.

After I locked my office door I walked downstairs.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"A club duh, you're too tense and a simple dinner won't do. You need to let loose, get freaky, I know you have it in you as I've seen all the dirty shit you write about on your off days. You sir, need Jesus in your life with that mind of yours always in the gutter." She said and I couldn't help but blush.

"My fantasies are off-limits." I grumbled.

"If you say so." She smirked as we left.

"How is your mate? Is he still being an overprotective daddy?" I asked.

"That's an understatement, he won't even let the doctor check on our pup because his wolf takes over and snaps at everyone. Then again he is a hybrid and has his dad's temper." She sighed.

"Felan (Collen and Callahan's son) is a wild card." I nodded.

As we got to the club I felt so out of place, this wasn't my cup of tea and if we stayed long I'll never finish my presentation for Mr. Collen. He wants to rebuild the corporate office and he chose me of all people to come up with a blueprint and 3-D model. I'm scared shitless.

"You're thinking about it again, stop it, you know dang well you're a bombass architect, you got this." Kate said and I groaned. I always have to overthink, it's a curse.

"Sorry, You're right." I said and followed her to the bar.

"How's that Brent guy? He's an ex hunter right?" I asked.

"You mean the bastard who's parents kept me locked up for five years, he's fine, slowly dying. I can't blame the Alpha for working him to death." She said, shrugging.

"True, what his parents did was unforgivable but remember he's a victim too, he may have killed thousands of people but he was conditioned to, it's all he knew, it's never too late for him to change." I said.

"You're too damn nice, it's gross." She grumbled.

"I love you too Kay." I snicker.

"But you have a small point, since Adriel cleansed his memories and gave him back his humanity it's like he's a whole new person. It was almost automatic and scared most of us because we thought it was a trick but in the month he's been at the pack he stuck to his punishment and added on some things which was a surprise. He was only supposed to do housework and socialize with the pack but he's repairing things in homes, training with the warriors, cleaning cells, it's weird seeing a hunter willingly help our kind and wanting to help in the fight to track down the bad hunter." She rambled on.

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now