8. Russia's Sister is Scary

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Canada's PoV

Russia was looking down at me. I would've said I was cared but he somehow didn't intimidate me. "Have you grown taller, Америка (America)?" Ivan asked, looming over me, that same weird smile stuck on his face.

"No, maybe your just not used to being closer to me." I responded sarcastically, dying a bit inside.

His expression didn't change and that weird creepy feeling went away a bit. Thankfully, the tension went away as a certain duo interrupted.

"Aah! I'm so sorry younger brother." Ukraine said with tears forming in her eyes. She was holding onto a Belarusian trying to claw her way out of her older sister's grasp. Natalia was creepily begging Ivan to help free him and babbled on about marrying him. Even I felt scared of the obsessive girl and her behavior.

Russia just looked at, "Sorry about my sister."

I immediately raised my eyebrows and opened my mouth in surprise. Russia was apologizing. "I- it's alright." I stammered in return.

Irunya attempted to hold on to her younger sister, but Natalia was able to break through. Immediately, she ran towards Ivan, who in return, ran away and locked himself in a room.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Ukraine cried, following her siblings.

Lithuania walked quietly in the room. "Sorry, America," he said sheepishly, "we weren't able to keep Belarus out."

"It's alright. It was bound to happen anyways."

He smiled, making the tension lighten up a lot. He brought in some tea and we chatted until the three siblings returned. By now, the other Baltic's were in the same room.

"Well, we should eat, да (da)?" Russia's question felt more like a command, but it didn't bother me.

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