Q and A for Me?

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Since I'm not continuing this anymore, I thought I could at least give you the chance to ask some questions about me, or anything you want to know.

I'll provide answers for those who were curious about these things.

WHAT IS MY AGE?: I am 16 years old, turning seventeen soon. But my young age shows in my writing skills, I'm slowly improving little by little.

WHAT GENDER AM I?: I am female

AM I STRAIGHT? LESBIAN? ETC?: I'm straight, which often my "friends" will shame me for. Apparently in the weeb community, me being straight is like a damn crime. I can't control who I get attracted to, and it just so happens to only be guys, if people tell me I can't hang with them because of that, then screw them!


WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE OVERRALL?: Average. I'm 5'7, I weigh 160, I have medium dark brown layered hair, and auburn/hazel? eyes. My eye color switched between the two. I'm not really sure what number my chest is in, but I know I'm a C cup.

DO I LIKE SPORTS?: Yes. Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Football, etc. I hate Soccor Though.


WHAT ANIME HAVE I FINISHED RECENTLY?: Plunderer. I'm really close to being done with Nisekoi though.

HAS MY FAVORITE ANIME CHANGED?: Yes and No? I sill love BNHA. I finished Black Clover and Hunter x Hunter not too long ago, so those are on my favorite lists. The Hunter x Hunter fandom is funny, however it only just now started receiving hype. By recently, I mean I finished it last year.

HOW LONG DO I SLEEP?: Over 15 hours? I think???? Or longer.

HOW LONG DO I STAY UP IF I DON'T FALL ASLEEP?: The longest so far was from 12 pm till 10 am the next morning.

WHAT ANIME DID I BINGE THE QUICKEST?: Dr.Stone. I finished the whole thing in three days and I'm all caught up with the manga.


WHAT CHARACTERS DO I SIMP THE MOST?: Hisoka, Tomura, Levi Ackerman, Yuga Aoyama, Tenya Iida, Sebastian, Illumi, Kakashi, Gaara, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Itachi, Gowther, Undertaker, Grell, William T Spears, Uta(TG), Sei Tsukishima, L, Neito Monoma, Shinso, Aizawa, Nighteye, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Senku, Gen Asagiri, Seiji Shishimura, Hyouga, Claude Faustus, Tamaki Amajiki, Inosuke, Zuko, Yuri Plitzkey, Giyuu, Gordon Agrippa, Henry Legolant, Klaus lunette, Jail Murdoch, Pele, Speed O' Sound Sonic, Misumi(A3), and Takehisa Hinawa

IF I COULD HAVE A SUPER POWER? WHAT WOULD IT BE?: Levitation, that would be hella useful

WHAT IS MY PERSONALITY LIKE?: I'm super energetic and happy all of the time. I've been told I'm spunky and fun, and I can always liven the mood. I can be pretty bold at times, and sometimes I'll play along with a sexual joke every now and then. Despite seeming confident, I'm self conscious about how others view me. Their opinions of me matter, and sometimes things hurt me more than they should since I'm on the emotional side. I can be slightly loud at times, and I tend to interrupt people when they're talking, though I'm one who's quick to apologize. I'm not one for violence, I'd rather not get myself involved unless someone is really in trouble. I tend to be oblivious if someone has feelings for me. I won't have a clue unless they tell me directly. I tend to make friends quickly, and I'd rather have the whole world as my friend rather than having any foes. Despite not liking physical violence, I really enjoy violent video games. I love murdering the heck out of zombies, or even watching bones break in mortal Kombat. I'm also one to enjoy someone getting be-headed in anime.I can't get mad ever, frustrated and irritated sure. But mad? Impossible.

WHAT IS MY ZODIAC?: I'm A Pieces. That's my sun sign. My moon sign is Leo. In the Chinese zodiac I would be a snake :D I love snakes. My birthday is March 4th I was born in 2004.

Any others? Feel free to ask! ~ Love TheDemonGodess

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