90 2 1

TanTannie: I couldn't do it

Nappyboi: do what

WWH92: you guys wanna hear a joke

Sunshinedaddy: yo

GoldenBaby: Am I late

What is happening :You

June94: looks like we all kept our names

TanTannie: Jiminie Im sorry I know
you wanted to change our names but
I couldn't bring myself to changing it

Its fine Tae :You

TanTannie: no its not I broke our promise

GoldenBaby: there was a promise

Nappyboi: no he's just over exaggerating

Sunshinedaddy: I kept my name

WWH92: yeah we all kept out names so
its no big deal

June94: even Jimin kept his

Yeah JimChim isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but Tae its fine :You

TanTannie: so you're not mad at me

Nappyboi: literally just said it was ok

June94: yeah I had a feeling we were
gonna keep our names

WWH92: Yeah I thought to hard for this
name and don't wanna change it

Sunshinedaddy: My fans gave me my name

Nappyboi: gotta love the fans

True, I just put together a  :You
cute name and that was it

GoldenBaby: Jimin your name is cute

Sunshinedaddy: yeah its really cute

Guys stop... :You

WWH92: hey stob it!

Nappyboi: how do u even say that

June94: my name is Joon but spelled different and then my birth year

Shineshinedaddy: AYE 94 LINER GANG GANG🤟🏼

GoldenBaby: So Jin you were born in 1992?

WWH92: u dont got to expose me but yeah

TanTannie: That means your the oldest because im a 95 child



Nappyboi: Im the second oldest born in 93

What about you Jungkook? :You

GoldenBaby: ...97

WWH92: as expected

June94: oh an maknae

Sunshinedaddy: kiyo

TanTannie: our youngest child

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