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June94: You were bored..

Yes... :You

TanTannie : Same

Nappyboi: are you serious, its 6 o'clock

I think so :You

WWH92: was there nothing else u could do

No... :You

Sunshinedaddy: felt that

GoldenBaby: was there nothing on TV?

Guys..no I was just really bored :You

Nappyboi: and u decided to put 6 random strangers in a group chat together, because u were bored

Sunshinedaddy: I meant its not all that

June94: U could have asked

GoldenBaby: I agree ^^

TanTannie: I've been in plenty gc's so...

WWH92: when Im bored I eat

I'm always on Instagram scrolling through everything all the time and I never seem to find anything interesting, I even went to see who I followed to make sure I wasn't following anyone boring as well :You

June94: you know there's other activities you can do besides stay on your phone all day

But that's literally all I do... :You

WWH92: that's not healthy

GoldBaby: didn't you say u eat a lot or something

WWH92: I-

Nappyboi: your phone isn't your only option

Well what do you guys do? :You

TanTannie: I like to do art

June94: go outside and walk

GoldenBaby: I play games..

WWH92: play the piano

Sunshinedaddy: dance

Nappyboi: sl..read

Sleeping all day isn't healthy: You

Nappyboi: says who?

I do, your body gets no work :You

Nappyboi: well so do you sitting on your phone all day

I don't sit on my phone all day tho :You

Sunshinedaddy: it's not that serious..

Nappyboi: then explain why this group chat was made again

Because I was bored. If I'm being honest I just came up with the idea of a group chat with 6 random strangers thinking that oh hey maybe I could make some not boring friends and finally have something to be happy about in my life :You

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