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Umm hello.. :You

Is anyone here? :You

Hellooo~ :You

GoldenBaby: hello

June94: who is this?

SunshineDaddy: hello stranger

WWH92: where am I

TanTannie: Yoooo

Nappyboi: why am I here?

Omg you all actually answered.. :You

GoldenBaby: you wanted us to

TanTannie: ^

WWH92: ^^

SunshineDaddy: ^^^

June92: ^^^^

Nappyboi: ^^^^^

...I wasn't expecting you to tho :You

WWH92: anyway, why are we here?

June94: yeah I was in the middle of a show

GoldenBaby: I was working out

TanTannie: I was about to go shopping

Sunshinedaddy: I mean I wasn't doing anything but drinking my sprite..

Nappyboi: I was getting my beauty sleep

... :You

Sunshinedaddy: ......

June94: .........

TanTannie: ............

WWH92: ...............

GoldenBaby: ..................

Its like 5:42 in the afternoon :You

Nappyboi: every second counts for sleeping

TanTannie: I don't sleep till 3

WWH92: I go at 1

Sunshinedaddy: I'm usually dead by midnight

June94: 11 but I trying to go before that

GoldenBaby: maybe 4...sometimes

Do you have trouble sleeping baby? :You

GoldenBaby: b..baby

Oh n..no I just didn't feel like typing your full name sorry :You

TanTannie: speaking of names...

WWH92: Um no, I don't even know who you guys are or why we're here

Nappyboi: thats true

GoldenBaby: yeah why do you have us here?

So funny story :You

TanTannie: we're listening

Ok so understand that this is completely normal and everyone has this emotion :You

Sunshinedaddy: just tell us already

GoldenBaby: yeah we won't judge you

I- ok um I was scrolling through my home page and there was nothing interesting up there :You

Nappyboi: So?

June94: ?

So then I went onto my search page and saw nothing as well :You

TanTannie: then what?

Sunshinedaddy: did you try refreshing?

Plenty of times :You

WWH92: so then what's the problem?

... :You

Nappyboi: can you hurry up

I'm scared :You

June94: Scared of what?

Of how'll you'll react :You

GoldBaby: I won't react in any negative way

Really? :You

June94: yes just be honest

Really?! :You

Sunshinedaddy: just say it

Really??! :You

Nappyboi: YES


TanTannie: YES

June94: YES

Sunshinedaddy: YES

GoldenBaby: Y..YES

Ok ok ok......I was bored :You

TanTannie: Nani?

: )

-So first they started texting, but will they stay is wat I wanna know...anyway bye💜

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