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June94: Me too

Nappyboi: NO U DO NOT

WWH92: Chill love

Sunshinedaddy: "love" hold up-

GoldenBaby: I wanna share first tho

Looks like everyones got smth to say then :You

GoldenBaby: Jimin tell them to wait and let me go first

TanTannie: No I was here first, first come first serve

GoldenBaby: No one cares you alien

TanTannie: 😲

Yeah Jungkook that wasn't nice, say sorry :You

GoldenBaby: but-

No "buts" Tae was first so let them spill the Tae :You

*Tea :You

Sunshinedaddy: just to make sure u are telling them about last night right?

TanTannie: yes Hobi

Sunshinedaddy: carry on then

WWH92: I can't wait to hear it

Nappyboi: probably smth stupid they saw on the ground or whatever

June94: must have been u

Nappyboi: your getting blocked

June94: 😙✌🏼

TanTannie: Anyway before I was rudely interrupted

GoldenBaby: "Boi if u don't"

Sunshinedaddy: pppfff lol

TanTannie: 😲...😠...🥤*Sprite*🚮🔥😌

Sunshinedaddy: BAE NO IM SORRY

WWH92: BAE?!

June94: 👀

TanTannie: If you guys would let me talk then you'll find out

Nappyboi: looks like u don't need to talk at all

Yoongi shut the fuck up :You

Sunshinedaddy: ...

WWH92: ...

June94: ...

TanTannie: ...

Nappyboi: ...I

GoldenBaby: As you should babe

WWH92: Thats not fair, everyone is calling e/o babe/baby, Yoongi please

Nappyboi: No.

WWH92: 🥺

TanTannie: Can I start?

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