"So what happened in Cali?" He asks and I stop in my tracks. His shoulders were extremely tense and he felt hot.

"Just the past I guess." I explain. "I was running away from another foster home and I needed a place to stay. So I went to a gang and they had me deal for them. Then I got caught up and was thrown right back into the system."

"The thing is." He says. "All the elders love them and they haven't been dealing."

"Huh." I say. "Well. Gangs are really manipulative."

"That's the just it though." He starts. "They act like protectors. There was this guy from another rez that was dealing meth to kids. They chased him off the land."

"Maybe they just didn't want the competition." I suggest. "I mean, right now they might not be dealing because they need more guys and more connections to other gangs." He nods his head. Then he scoots next to me on the couch and works out the nots in my right calf and before long we fall asleep on the couch.

I wake up and it's almost seven o'clock. Dad still isn't home and I wake Em up. He startles awake and I tell him the time and we hop in my car to drive him home. Em loves speeding and we reach 110 mph before reaching him house. He gives me a hug bye and I drive home. I'm getting used to all the curves in the winding road so I lean back and cruise all the way home.

When I get home Dad and Bella's vehicles are finally in the driveway. I open the door and Bella is in the kitchen doing homework.

"You already ate?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Yeah Em was here." I say.

"We ate at Billy's with the Clearwaters." She explains.

"And I wasn't invited?" I question.

"I guess Charlie forgot to call." She shrugs. "I figured you would get something to eat at the diner like you usually do."

"I guess he did." I say as I walk up the stairs towards my room. I almost climb into my room before remembering Bella. I don't trust her sudden mood. I just hope it lasts. I fell asleep before Bella even climbed into the bed.

I woke up that night to Bella shuddering in her pillow and muffled screams. It wasn't as bad as I usually was but I heard the name "Sam" again. I eventually calmed her down before falling back asleep.

Dad and I are still watching for the return of the zombie during breakfast but Bella seems just as she was yesterday if not happier.

During lunch Jamie and Cam were talking about how some hikers we're seeing huge bears around the area. Bella walked into the cafeteria late, then went to sit by Mike Newton and his group of friends. No one payed attention to her at first until she joined into their conversation.

"What's with Bella?" Cam asks. I smile.

"She's been hanging with Jake and I down at La Push." I say. "I think it's making her better."

"Jacob Black." He scoffs. "The one with no left hand?"

"Yeah." I laugh. "That one." Jake always drives straight to the goal with his right hand and hardly ever uses his left, only to cross over once and back to his right. I look over to Bella's table. I don't understand how she hangs out with Jessica and Lauren. Angela has always been my favourite out of them and I don't even think she likes the rest of them. Lauren and Jessica are both two faced and gossipers. I'm glad I stay away from them. I'm partly exited for basketball season to be over so I don't have to tolerate them anymore.

After school I stayed and shot about 500 makes before heading back home. I've shot 8,770 shots this year and I want to make it to 10k before the season is over. Jamie and I have a competition going, whoever makes it to 10k first gets bragging rights. Charlie ordered a pizza and we ate while watching basketball on the tv. I left Em a voicemail, asking him to practice on Wednesday, I was surprised when he didn't answer my call.

That night Bella told me I didn't need to sleep with her, so I slept in my own bed for the first time in months. I slept peacefully that night, not worrying about Bella's shrieks.

Tuesday passed and still no answer from Em.

Wednesday night Bella and Jake were doing homework in the living room when I got home from practice. I asked his about Em and he said that he hasn't shown up to school since Friday. Bella made the best lasagna and I ate four plates while watching tv on the couch.

Thursday I called Em's house again. Still no answer. Districts is on Saturday and I was hoping we could practice before then. He also has games that Saturday. I called coach and asked him about Em also and he says he can't play because he's missed too much school and he's failing. I called Em after that too and asked if we could have a study sesh and catch him up on his grades so he can play. I've been in that position before and Lia helped me buckle down and study, I wanted to be that person for Em like Lia was for me.

I practiced with Jamie Friday night, before districts. It was a good practice but it wasn't like the ones I've had with Em. I like how he always made me push myself, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. Jamie is always positive and it annoys me sometimes, it's worse in softball.

The morning of districts Bella is up making me eggs for breakfast. I swear Bella has been the best cook since she's been in this good mood. We all get to the gym early to save seats and I head downstairs to get changed.

When we start warm-ups on court I scan the crowd.

No Embry.

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