Eight: Homecoming

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My teachers have all been extra nice to me. My sixth hour even let me go early to practice. They've all been wishing me good luck at homecoming today.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" I ask Bella as I stand at the edge of her room. She looks at me and shakes her head.

"Okay." I say. "Well I'm gonna go to Jamie's house to get ready okay? The game starts at 7:30 if you want to come." She nods her head and turns back to stare out the window. I grab my dress and shoes out of my closet and head to my car.

Jamie's house is a little one story house a couple blocks away from mine. She lives there with her grandma and two older sisters. I parallel park my car on the road and get out with my dress and shoes.

I knock on her door and her grandma answers. She's a sweet old woman with puffy hair and dark skin. She's been nice to me ever since softball, and she loves to yell at us during games and at the referees and umpires. She always buys me a Gatorade, even though I already have money.

She engulfs me in a hug and tells me Jamie is upstairs. I head to Jamie's room and she's doing her makeup.

"Hey weirdo." I tease.

"Cailyn." She scolds. "You are letting me do you makeup." I roll my eyes. She's been planning my makeup look even though I told her I wasn't wearing any.

After she finished her makeup, I gave into letting her do mine. I started tearing up as she plucked out my eyebrows. I can't even remember the last time I shaped them. I usually just pluck the strays.

Jamie went all out. I had to double check when I looked in the mirror because damn, I look that good. After she did the final touches on my makeup I curled it while she braided hers.

I decided to put my dress on in the locker room so that I didn't have to drive to it. Jamie looked gorgeous.

When we got to the locker room Jessica and Olivia were getting dressed. It was getting close to 5:30, which is when the homecoming starts. I hurried and slipped on my red dress and gold heels while Jamie puts on her yellow one. I'm the only girl that doesn't have a dress that matches the school colours.

We all head out of the locker room and the boys are outside waiting on us. Our locker room has a hallway that leads to a staircase that goes directly into the upper gym.

Coach Z tells us we're ready to go and we get into order on the bottom of the staircase. She signals for Olivia and Jason to start walking. Angela Weber is the person reading while we walk down the court.

"The freshman court is Olivia Davis." She reads into the microphone. "Olivia is the daughter of Lynn Davis and the late Calvin Davis. She loves playing basketball and softball with friends and watching her little sister. Escorting Olivia is Jason Walker. Jason enjoys fishing and hunting with his father, playing basketball with his friends, and going on hikes."

I take a deep breath as I take Cam's arm and we walk to the top of the stairs and Angela starts reading. I take a step into the spotlight.

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