Chapter 27 °Dinos°

Start from the beginning

"But why a skirt?!" You groan, "Why not pants? It's just Tsukki." You plopped on the couch.

You hear your sister sigh, "because you look pretty in a skirt." She sat next to you. "I love doing things like this with you." You look over at her and see her smile. "I know I work a lot and I miss you. So... every now and then, would you allow me to dress you up?"

She gave you puppy eyes, you sigh and smile. "I guess I'll allow it every now and then."

"Thank you!!" She squealed while hugging you tightly. "Now!" She jumped up. "When is he supposed to get here?"

"He said 5." You replied as you got up. "Though knowing him he'll be here ear-"

The door bell rang.

"Just as I thought." You said as you opened the door. "Speak of the devil and he shall ape-" You looked at Tsukishima and his clothing.


You close the door and turn around to your sister. "I'M OVER DRESSED!" You yelled as you ran away from the door and hid in the kitchen.

He wore a black sweatshirt with white jeans. (Seen at the beginning)

"This is embarrassing...why am I blushing? " You thought as you tried to hide your blush.

You hear the door open. "Come inside Tsukishima. Would you like some water? Tea?"

"No thanks." He said while bowing, "We are about to leave. Why did she slam the door in my face?"

You could hear your sister chuckle. "She thought she was over dressed." She turned her head trying to not laugh out loud.

"It's not funny!" You yelled.

He clicked his tongue. "If you don't come out here I'm leaving." Tsukki threatened.

"Don't judge me!"

"No promises"

You rolled your eyes and step out of the kitchen. You couldn't believe how overdressed you were. "I can change real quick if yo-"

"Let's get going." He said as he walked out the door.

You quickly followed, "Wait, you don't care that I'm overdressed?" You asked as he stopped walking.

"Not really. We're going to miss the train." He said walking again. If he had turned around you would have seen his face and ears bright pink.

"I should have listened to my brother." He thought. "I should have worn something nicer."

You say goodbye to your sister and caught up to him. "So...where are we going?" You said as you ran in front of him and walked backwards.

"Hmm...." He was relieved that his blush cooled down. "Somewhere, if you keep walking like that you're going to fall."

"Pft, I'll be fine." You walk normally again just in case. "But for real, where are we going?"

He clicked his tongue. "I told you somewhere, now let's hurry." He picked up the pace.

You glared at him, "I can't walk as fast as you Tsukki!" You ran ahead of him and put your hands on his chest to stop him. "If you haven't noticed I'm in a skirt."

He looked down at you with raised eyebrows. "And?" He patted your head knowing it would annoy you.

You tried to swat it away. "AND I CANT WALK FAST! SO SLOW DOWN!" you said as you began to walk again.

Tsukishima chuckled, "Just grow."

"Salty much?"

"Did you not drink enough milk as a kid?"

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