17. Process of Elimination

Start from the beginning

I laughed a little before the end of lunch bell finally rang. "Alright well thanks for your help so far. When are we going to be able to do this again?" We still had a way to go before we could figure out who this person was, so I wanted to fit all the time in that I could.

"Hmmm.... oh, I have an idea! How about you come to my house after school? Mikey won't be in the way since he's got that after school thing he does sometimes. That would be a perfect time to investigate, I think." I nodded, agreeing that that would probably be the best option.

"That would be great. Well, we better head to math class now." We got up from our seats to throw our trash away, and then we left the cafeteria to go to the main hallway.

On the way to class, I felt a buzz in my pocket which meant I got a text. I quickly (and discreetly) went to the bathroom and locked it so I could check it in private. A smile appeared on my face when I saw the message.

Frank: I wish you would text me again, I want someone to water my flowers with.

I made sure to leave the message on read, and I put my phone back in my pocket and shut it off. I wouldn't usually shut my phone off in school, but right now I was paranoid about accidentally butt-dialing Frank, and him not having silent on. That would obviously cause problems.

When I got to math class, Mikey looked at me strangely as if I was a ghost of some sort. I raised an eyebrow before taking my seat beside him. Mrs. Wilson had already walked to the front of the classroom, which meant she was about to start teaching.

"Why the weird face?" I whispered to Mikey so that he would hopefully be able to hear me without alerting our teacher.

"You've seemed sad recently. Are you okay? I'm worried for you..." he said softly. I was glad that he just said that, rather than 'what the fuck are you thinking Gerard dating a teacher?' I didn't realize it in hind sight, but maybe I was sadder?

"I'm fine Mikes, promise," I replied, still keeping my voice low. "I'm just a bit down is all. Nothing to be worried about." He nodded.

"Mikey, Gerard," Mrs. Wilson called out from the front of the classroom. "I do hope whatever you're talking about amongst yourselves is something you're willing to share with the class."

A few whispers broke out into the room and I was starting to get anxious. It's not like we were talking about anything embarrassing, but I had always been nervous about speaking in front of the class. Luckily Mikey was fine with doing that part for me.

"We'd rather not do that, Mrs. I promise that we'll stop talking from now on though." That was a good enough answer for Mrs. Wilson. She was actually a pretty nice teacher, but she didn't tolerate talking in her classroom.

Unfortunately, that answer wasn't good enough for some of the classmates. Oh wow, would you look at that? Kid from psychology that I never even noticed before happened to be in my math class as well. I wonder what marvelous words of wisdom he had to share on this fine afternoon.

"He's probably talking about his boyfriend." Oh god his voice is so annoying. "I wouldn't be surprised."

I turned around to reply to him. "And why are you so obsessed with my dating life, hm?" I asked. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a crush on me." I turned back around and crossed my arms as a string of 'oohs' erupted into the classroom.

"Now now, we'll have none of that," Mrs. Wilson stepped in. "Isaac," she gave the boy a glare. Oh so that's his name. Isaac. "If you have hateful comments, please keep them to yourself. All students that attend school here are to be treated equally regardless of religion, color, gender, and sexuality."

When we were back on the topic of math, I felt a piece of balled up paper hit me in the side. I picked it up from the ground and unrolled it to see what it was.

Yo dude, do you have an extra pencil? Pretty certainly I left mine at home... :P

I grabbed a spare pencil that I had laying on my desk and handed it to Pete. He silently thanked me and went back to taking notes.

Shortly after, another piece of paper hit me. Assuming it was from Pete again, I unrolled it. This one had a much more colorful yet simple message written on it however.

F a g g o t

Yep... that one wasn't from Pete.

But the good thing was that I knew Isaac's weakness. He was a goody two shoes. I could play him at his own game and win every time, just to spite him. So, without further thought, I raised my hand and waited for Mrs. Wilson to call on me.

"Yes Gerard," she said from the front of the classroom.

"I'm deeply sorry for interrupting your class, Mrs. Wilson, but it's hard to focus with Isaac throwing paper balls at me." I tossed her the paper which she skillfully caught with one hand, and I looked back to see the pure look of terror on Isaac's face. I smirked to myself, knowing that I had gotten to him.

She glared at Isaac and ripped out a piece of paper from one of her many notebooks. I was able to recognize the cover of the notebook as the detention one. Isaac was being assigned detention.

She put the slip on his desk, and I could've sworn I heard him silently curse to himself. I could've called him out on that too, but I really didn't want to end up on someone's hit list today. Instead I just kept my mouth shut and payed attention the rest of the lesson.

A/N: So like I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I forced myself to finish this one tonight, so if there are any errors, I'm sorry! It was a bit rushed, but it was all planned out, so I hope that makes up for it.

Chapter Planning:

Chapter Planning:

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