Chapter 4: Niall's POV

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"Ni, come on! Gotta get up!" Zayn whispered while shaking me.

"Stop Zayn..." I mumbled, escaping from a dream.

All of the sudden, I felt something jump on top of me.

"COME ON NIALLER! TIME TO GET UP!" Harry yelled, crushing my body and stopping air from getting to my lungs.

"Harry get off!" I laughed, pushing him off the bed. Grabbing my sweatshirt, I decided to grab something quick to eat and then hurried back upstairs to get ready. I settled on a red polo with white pants and red Suprahs. Using a comb and hair spray, I swished back my hair into a quiff and sprayed myself with cologne.

"Hey Ni, time to go." Liam said peaking his head through the door. I nodded and followed him downstairs and into the car.

We all wore similar outfits and had quiffs (beside Harry).

"You lads ready to answer some questions?" I asked sarcastically, adding a funny face.




"Uh huh."

Once we arrived our car was swarmed with fans beating the vehicle with their signs and screaming with high volume. It took five minutes to get pass them all and we finally got inside.

Before going on stage, I chugged a bottle of water and ate half of the grapes in the bowl that was set out. It was five minutes before we were suppose to go out there and I was nervous. Anything could happen while you were on stage and ALOT of people were going to be watching.

"Guys, they just did the cue!" Louis yelled, motioning us to follow him.

We all made our way onto the stage, exchanging smiles and waving to the crowd and tried to squeeze onto one couch. I took a seat between Liam and Zayn and attempted to at least look comfortable.

Martha (interviewer) wore blue eye shadow that traveled up to her eyebrows, pink lipstick, and what looked like a whole container of blush. Her smile was obviously fake, but she kept it up, showing off her overly-bleached teeth.

"I just want to say thank you boys for coming and being on our show tonight!" Martha exclaimed looking out at the crowd, whilr showing off her blinding smile.

"Thank you for having us!" Liam replied.

"So boys, tell me about your album 'Take Me Home.'" Martha asked while fixing a loose strand of hair that fallen out of place. "You boys were very excited about this album. Some of the songs you boys wrote?"

"Yeah, we did help write a couple of the songs on the album and it was so much fun recording and now getting to perform it is just wicked." Zayn answered.

"Well thats good! So, I'm going to ask the most wondered question, how many of you have girlfriends, and how many of you are single?" Martha asked.

"Well, Louis, Zayn, and Liam all have girlfriends and Niall and I are currently single." Harry answered, smiling at me.

"Ah okay. Thats what I've been hearing, I justed wanted to clarify it."

We all nodded understanding, since we had been asked that question a million times.

"Alright! Looks like its time for a commercial! We'll be back soon, continuing our interview with 'One Direction'!"

We waited about ten seconds, still smiling, until we could move and grab some water and snacks.

"Good job boys!" Louis said, patting us each on the back.

I was starving since it was close to lunch time and I hadn't eaten much that morning.

For the next two mintues, we all stood by the food tabling, stuffing ourselfs with crackers, mini turkey sandwiches and juice. There were two minutes left until we had to go on, so I decided to think ahead and took a spot next to Liam on the couch.

"You okay Ni?" he asked throwing an arm around my neck.

"I guess. When Martha asked us about being single it just made me think of Delilah. I don't know why though, I guess part of me still misses her." I replied, staring down at the couch.

"I'm sorry, I know it hurts. But right now we have to not think about that and focus on the interview. We'll talk later, okay?" Liam said, offering a smile. I nodded and watched as everyone returned to their seats.

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