Chapter 20: Delilah's POV

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"So they don't know whats wrong yet?" I ask softly, still looking out the window.

"No. They're not quite sure yet." Liam replies. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be okay. So, how come you didn't show up for him yesterday?"

He told Liam? Great. Now I feel like a jerk.

"Oh, I feel awful about that, but I was going to the store to pick up the food. My boyfriend, well exboyfriend, was there. But he wasn't there alone and..." I reply, trying not to cry. I had cried enough and needed to suck it up with this whole "Brody" thing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"Thanks." I breath out, leaning back in the seat and resting my eyes. Liam mutters something, but I can't comprehend it. "What?"

"I said that he is a jerk." Liam says, giving me a look.

"Oh. Yeah I guess."

As soon as we entered the hospital, my stomach dropped. I really wanted to know if Niall was okay. Amy grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze and offering a smile. We took a seat in the waiting room and Liam walked up to the desk.

"Do you think he is okay?" I whispered, trying to be calm. Amy looked at me through worried eyes.

"I don't know love. We just need to hope for the best." I smiled slightly and watched as Liam approached us.

"We can't see him yet, but we can head up to his floor." Amy and I got up and walked over with Liam to the elevator. As the door opened, people got out and we squeezed in. Amy pressed the button and we headed up. I was so nervous, and felt sick. The elevator stopped and opened its doors. We followed behind Liam to the waiting room and sat down.

The chairs were not very comfy, but I sucked it up. I reached over and grabbed one of the magazines, flipping through. I tried to read some articles, but I couldn't get myself to focus. Turning over, I looked to see Amy asleep in her chair and Liam flipping through the tv channels. A second later, a nurse walked in. I sat up, ready to hear what she was going to say.

"You might not be able to see him for another hour or two. Would you like a blanket?"

I took a deep breath and nodded as the nurse walked back out. I waited a couple minutes until she came back in. She tossed me the blanket and I curled up, closing my eyes and listening to the soft sounds of the tv.

"Delilah, C'mon. Get up." I heard a voice and opened my eyes. I was still in the hospital and Amy was still asleep next to me. Liam stood above me with a nurse on his side. "C'mon. We can see him."

I sat up and looked around. Amy was still sleeping in the chair next to me.

"Is he okay?" I ask through worried eyes.

"Yes, but it was a bad accident. Niall has been in a coma for the last couple hours." the nurse says, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"What?" my stomach dropped and I gripped the sides of my chair. Sweat drizzeled down my forhead and my heart started racing.

"Would you like to see him?" The nurse asks. I nod and take Liams hand he offered.

"Where is he?"

"Down the hall. Third door on the left."

I look down, noticing that I haven't let go of Liam's hand. I start walking towards the door, dragging Liam with me.

"Only one at a time, please." the nurse says, giving Liam and I a look.

I looked at Amy and then at Liam.

"You go. I'll wait here." I say, starting to sit down in the nearest chair.

"You haven't seen him yet. I saw him earlier while you were sleeping." I smile, stand up and start to walk down the hall. My stomach had butterflies and I felt sick. My legs felt like they were going to give out any minute.

I walk towards the door and turn the nob. Niall is laying on the bed and the tv is on low. You can hear the heart monitor and I start to cry. I walk quietly over and pull up a chair. He looked so peaceful. I brushed my hand the through his hair and watched as my tears hit his blanket.

"Hey Ni." I say softly. My lip trembles and I take his hand in mine. I Turn the tv on a different station and lay there. A few of the channels have some of his favorite movies on them, so I pick one and cuddle up next to the hospital bed.

After an hour or two, I turn the tv off and look at Niall. His lips are straight, not in his usual smile, which makes me frown. I glance over at his heart monitor, noticing that his heart beat was slowing down slightly. I reached over and laid my hand on his heart, the other holding his hand. I closed my eyes, letting a few tears slip. I could feel a soft beat, and let out a sob.


Looking around, I heard a slow song come on. This was so embarrassing, it was the eighth grade dance and I hadn't been asked. Taking a seat, I rested my head on my hand. About half way through, I saw someone walking towards me. The blonde boy then held out his hand and winked. I blushed, taking it and followed him to the dance floor.

The song was one of my favorites. I rested my head against Niall's chest, letting him wrap his arms around me. I started to sing along and felt his heartbeat getting faster in my ear. A moment later I noticed that he had started to sing with me.


Before I even thought, I did something I hadn't done in a while.

"Chest to chest. Nose to Nose. Arm to arm. We were always just that close.

"Wrist to wrist. Toe to toe. Least I felt just like the inside of a rose.

I could feel his heartbeat picking up speed as I sang. It was even showing on the monitor. I couldn't stop now.

"So how come when I reach out my fingers, it feels like more than distance between us.

"In this California King Bed, we're ten thousand miles apart-"

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but all visitors must leave in five minutes." a nurse whispers through the door, making me jump. I nod in reply.

"That was beautiful by the way." she adds, closing the door behind her. I smile and squeeze Niall's hand in mine. I stand up and walk out the door, taking one last look at Niall.

"D! C'mon!" Amy yells down the hallway. I close the door and run towards her.


Stop And Stare (a Niall Horan fan fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن